dependabot / vgotest

A dummy Go Module for testing Dependabot.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should this repo be deleted?

jeffwidman opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to debug a problem with go modules, and it's confusing seeing this repo... is it actively used (or planned to be used) or should it be deleted?


I'm not sure if it's actively used, but we do have a tonne of references to it in our dependabot-core test fixtures and I'm worried that deleting the repo will cause those tests to fail.

Ah yeah, I didn't even think to check for those since I assumed this repo was some standalone experimentation thing. Makes sense. If you don't mind, maybe hold this ticket open for a bit as a reminder to see if those fixtures are easy to eventually update to drop this dep.

Note to self: See also dependabot/dependabot-core@36daf87

That said, the entire directory looks like it predates storing all the test repos in

So I have a funny feeling this can be migrated to and then removed...

If possible, that would certainly reduce confusion...


looks like it predates storing all the test repos in

Yep it does, there are a few tests lingering around that still reference those old files, but I agree that migrating everything to the project based fixtures would be good!