dependabot / fetch-metadata

Extract information about the dependencies being updated by a Dependabot-generated PR.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dependabot "update-type" not available in metadata retrieved for PR

simonschaufi opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have the same issue like this person: Dependabot "update-type" not available in metadata retrieved for PR using dependabot/fetch-metadata@v1

For example here:

Run dependabot/fetch-metadata@v1.6.0
    github-token: ***
    skip-commit-verification: false
    skip-verification: false
Parsing Dependabot metadata
Outputting metadata for 1 updated dependency
  outputs.dependency-names: rector/rector
  outputs.dependency-type: direct:development
  outputs.update-type: null /
  outputs.package-ecosystem: composer main
  outputs.compatibility-score: 0
  outputs.maintainer-changes: false
  outputs.cvss: 0

As you can see, outputs.update-type is always null

This is my workflow:

Is there some misconfiguration or is this really a bug?

Similar but not the same: #339. On that bug report it's about the v prefix but in my case there is a simple version bump without the v prefix.

@Nishnha could you give me some information about this issue?

It seems that update-type is generated from the version information in the commit message as shown below.
However, there are cases where the version information is not included in the commit message, in which case update-type becomes null.

const bumpFragment = commitMessage.match(/^Bumps .* from (?<from>v?\d[^ ]*) to (?<to>v?\d[^ ]*)\.$/m)
const updateFragment = commitMessage.match(/^Update .* requirement from \S*? ?(?<from>v?\d\S*) to \S*? ?(?<to>v?\d\S*)$/m)
const yamlFragment = commitMessage.match(/^-{3}\n(?<dependencies>[\S|\s]*?)\n^\.{3}\n/m)
const groupName = commitMessage.match(/dependency-group:\s(?<name>\S*)/m)
const newMaintainer = !!body.match(/Maintainer changes/m)
const lookupFn = lookup ?? (() => Promise.resolve({ alertState: '', ghsaId: '', cvss: 0 }))
const scoreFn = getScore ?? (() => Promise.resolve(0))
if (yamlFragment?.groups && branchName.startsWith('dependabot')) {
const data = YAML.parse(yamlFragment.groups.dependencies)
// Since we are on the `dependabot` branch (9 letters), the 10th letter in the branch name is the delimiter
const delim = branchName[10]
const chunks = branchName.split(delim)
const prev = bumpFragment?.groups?.from ?? (updateFragment?.groups?.from ?? '')
const next = bumpFragment?.groups?.to ?? (updateFragment?.groups?.to ?? '')
const dependencyGroup = groupName?.groups?.name ?? ''
if (data['updated-dependencies']) {
const dirname = branchNameToDirectoryName(chunks, delim, data['updated-dependencies'])
return await Promise.all(data['updated-dependencies'].map(async (dependency, index) => {
const lastVersion = index === 0 ? prev : ''
const nextVersion = index === 0 ? next : ''
const updateType = dependency['update-type'] || calculateUpdateType(lastVersion, nextVersion)

In the above example, the commit message was as follows.

Updates the requirements on [rector/rector]( to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](rectorphp/rector@1.0.2...1.0.3)

- dependency-name: rector/rector
  dependency-type: direct:development

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

There are two possible solutions.
1, Get the version information from somewhere other than the commit message (such as the title of the PR).
2, Modify the commit message so that the version information is always included (probably needs to be modified in other repositories).

I could not decide which option is better and would appreciate your opinion.
This also occurs in the latest v2 as well as v1.