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"Dependabot only supports uninterpolated string arguments to eval_gemfile. Got `file`"

nnzo opened this issue · comments


Hi everyone! I get this error when dependabot tries to parse my Gemfile. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be happening?

Dependabot couldn't parse the Gemfile found at /Gemfile.
The error Dependabot encountered was:

Dependabot only supports uninterpolated string arguments to eval_gemfile. Got `file`

@AtomicLemon could you send a portion of your Gemfile where you call eval_gemfile()? We've explicitly disabled interpolated string arguments here, e.g. eval_gemfile("#{file_name}")


This is it:

# Load gems from Gemfile.plugin.
#Dir.glob File.expand_path('../Gemfile.plugin', __FILE__) do |file|
#  eval_gemfile file

It is commented out, so it shouldn't be causing the problem right?

@AtomicLemon ah yeah that's what's tripping up Depenedabot, our parser is really basic and will most likely not be taking the comment into account 🤦 could you try removing this section entirely?


Ah okay that would be it haha, I'll remove it and close this issue. Thanks for the help!