dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PR's.

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Looks like these dependencies are updatable in another way, so this is no longer needed.

conan opened this issue · comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Package ecosystem


Package manager version

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Language version


Manifest location and content before the Dependabot update

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dependabot.yml content

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
      - "dir1"
      - "dir2"
      ... etc - currently 11 directories
      interval: "weekly"
    open-pull-requests-limit: 30
          - "*"
          - "patch"
          - "minor"     

Updated dependency

No response

What you expected to see, versus what you actually saw

This is the same as #439

Dependabot raised a group PR that updated a number of dependencies. This caused some of our tests to fail, so I pushed several commits to the same branch to fix those tests. The PR was reviewed by my colleague.


I was expecting Dependabot to leave this PR alone, because I'd pushed to it.


Dependabot subsequently closed the PR with the message:

Looks like these dependencies are updatable in another way, so this is no longer needed.

  • I now realise the docs state:

By default, Dependabot will stop rebasing a pull request once extra commits have been pushed to it.

This doesn't say that Dependabot won't close the PR and create a new one, but that it does feels like a bug - otherwise I'll always have to branch off from a Dependabot branch to add fixes, which is unintuitive. I don't expect PRs I'm actively developing to be closed by Dependabot.

Native package manager behavior

No response

Images of the diff or a link to the PR, issue, or logs


Smallest manifest that reproduces the issue

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