deoplete-plugins / deoplete-lsp

LSP Completion source for deoplete

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attempt to index field 'handlers' (a nil value)

giddie opened this issue · comments

nvim v0.7.0
deoplete-lsp c466c95

I sometimes get the following error on completion. I'm not sure quite where to start looking for the cause. I'm using elixirls and null-ls. Is it likely to be an issue caused by one of these sources? I'd be grateful for a pointer in the general direction of a cause, and I'll do my best to dig further.

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: .../.vim-config/vim-dir/vim-plug/deoplete-lsp/lua/hover.lua:78: attempt to index field 'handlers' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        .../.vim-config/vim-dir/vim-plug/deoplete-lsp/lua/hover.lua:78: in function 'set_response_handler'
        .../.vim-config/vim-dir/vim-plug/deoplete-lsp/lua/hover.lua:134: in function 'request_hover'
        .../.vim-config/vim-dir/vim-plug/deoplete-lsp/lua/hover.lua:144: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>

Please use the latest.

Awesome; thanks for the quick fix ❤️