deoplete-plugins / deoplete-lsp

LSP Completion source for deoplete

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`deoplete-lsp` incorrectly processes candidates when using `textEdit`

kdheepak opened this issue · comments

Thank you for writing deoplete-lsp! With the built in neovim lsp source, deoplete will become an even more powerful completion framework ( if that's even possible :) )!

I think some fields in the response for deoplete-lsp are not being processed properly. This is an example of a response when I type pri from LanguageServer.jl in a Julia buffer.

2020-06-10 06:46:38 [100] INFO {'isIncomplete': True, 'items': [{'label': 'primitive', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'mitive type $1\n    $0\nend'}, 'documentation': 'primitive', 'kind': 14, 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': 'printstyled', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'ntstyled'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprintstyled([io], xs...; bold::Bool=false, color::Union{Symbol,Int}=:normal)\n```\n\nPrint `xs` in a color specified as a symbol or integer, optionally in bold.\n\n`color` may take any of the values `:normal`, `:default`, `:bold`, `:black`, `:blink`, `:blue`, `:cyan`, `:green`, `:hidden`, `:light_black`, `:light_blue`, `:light_cyan`, `:light_green`, `:light_magenta`, `:light_red`, `:light_yellow`, `:magenta`, `:nothing`, `:red`, `:reverse`, `:underline`, `:white`, or  `:yellow` or an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. Note that not all terminals support 256 colors. If the keyword `bold` is given as `true`, the result will be printed in bold.\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': 'println', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'ntln'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprintln([io::IO], xs...)\n```\n\nPrint (using [`print`](@ref)) `xs` followed by a newline. If `io` is not supplied, prints to [`stdout`](@ref).\n\n### Examples\n\n```julia\njulia> println("Hello, world")\nHello, world\n\njulia> io = IOBuffer();\n\njulia> println(io, "Hello, world")\n\njulia> String(take!(io))\n"Hello, world\\n"\n```\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': 'print', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'nt'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprint([io::IO], xs...)\n```\n\nWrite to `io` (or to the default output stream [`stdout`](@ref) if `io` is not given) a canonical (un-decorated) text representation. The representation used by `print` includes minimal formatting and tries to avoid Julia-specific details.\n\n`print` falls back to calling `show`, so most types should just define `show`. Define `print` if your type has a separate "plain" representation. For example, `show` displays strings with quotes, and `print` displays strings without quotes.\n\n[`string`](@ref) returns the output of `print` as a string.\n\n### Examples\n\n```julia\njulia> print("Hello World!")\nHello World!\njulia> io = IOBuffer();\n\njulia> print(io, "Hello", \' \', :World!)\n\njulia> String(take!(io))\n"Hello World!"\n```\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}]}
2020-06-10 06:46:38 [102] INFO {'label': 'primitive', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'mitive type $1\n    $0\nend'}, 'documentation': 'primitive', 'kind': 14, 'insertTextFormat': 2}
2020-06-10 06:46:38 [102] INFO {'label': 'printstyled', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'ntstyled'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprintstyled([io], xs...; bold::Bool=false, color::Union{Symbol,Int}=:normal)\n```\n\nPrint `xs` in a color specified as a symbol or integer, optionally in bold.\n\n`color` may take any of the values `:normal`, `:default`, `:bold`, `:black`, `:blink`, `:blue`, `:cyan`, `:green`, `:hidden`, `:light_black`, `:light_blue`, `:light_cyan`, `:light_green`, `:light_magenta`, `:light_red`, `:light_yellow`, `:magenta`, `:nothing`, `:red`, `:reverse`, `:underline`, `:white`, or  `:yellow` or an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. Note that not all terminals support 256 colors. If the keyword `bold` is given as `true`, the result will be printed in bold.\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}
2020-06-10 06:46:38 [102] INFO {'label': 'println', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'ntln'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprintln([io::IO], xs...)\n```\n\nPrint (using [`print`](@ref)) `xs` followed by a newline. If `io` is not supplied, prints to [`stdout`](@ref).\n\n### Examples\n\n```julia\njulia> println("Hello, world")\nHello, world\n\njulia> io = IOBuffer();\n\njulia> println(io, "Hello, world")\n\njulia> String(take!(io))\n"Hello, world\\n"\n```\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}
2020-06-10 06:46:38 [102] INFO {'label': 'print', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'nt'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprint([io::IO], xs...)\n```\n\nWrite to `io` (or to the default output stream [`stdout`](@ref) if `io` is not given) a canonical (un-decorated) text representation. The representation used by `print` includes minimal formatting and tries to avoid Julia-specific details.\n\n`print` falls back to calling `show`, so most types should just define `show`. Define `print` if your type has a separate "plain" representation. For example, `show` displays strings with quotes, and `print` displays strings without quotes.\n\n[`string`](@ref) returns the output of `print` as a string.\n\n### Examples\n\n```julia\njulia> print("Hello World!")\nHello World!\njulia> io = IOBuffer();\n\njulia> print(io, "Hello", \' \', :World!)\n\njulia> String(take!(io))\n"Hello World!"\n```\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}

This is an example of a single completion candidate:

{'label': 'println', 'textEdit': {'range': {'end': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}, 'start': {'character': 3, 'line': 27}}, 'newText': 'ntln'}, 'documentation': {'kind': 'markdown', 'value': '```\nprintln([io::IO], xs...)\n```\n\nPrint (using [`print`](@ref)) `xs` followed by a newline. If `io` is not supplied, prints to [`stdout`](@ref).\n\n### Examples\n\n```julia\njulia> println("Hello, world")\nHello, world\n\njulia> io = IOBuffer();\n\njulia> println(io, "Hello, world")\n\njulia> String(take!(io))\n"Hello, world\\n"\n```\n'}, 'kind': 3, 'insertTextFormat': 2}

In Julia println is the function to print a string to stdout with a new line.

You'll notice that rec['textEdit']['newText'] == 'ntln' because the user has already typed in pri in the buffer. The Language Server Protocol says the following in the TextEdit interface:

To insert text into a document create a range where start === end.

Which I'm understanding as rec['textEdit']['newText'] to contain the string that needs to be appended to the existing string.

In the current implementation of deoplete-lsp, this is currently not the case.

This causes word to be set to ntln. Which then gets filter out when using the fuzzy matcher filter in deoplete.

So these suggestions never appear in deoplete completions.

I've submitted a PR that resolves this particular issue when using the Julia LanguageServer.

This change falls back to the previous implementation if the range is different. I think something more sophisticated would need to be done in that case though. This is just a small improvement over the current implementation.


Thanks for merging!