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LSP: Regression in resolving Typescript Dependencies of included Typing files

mechanoid opened this issue · comments

Version: Deno 1.43.4

The mentioned behaviour can for example be seen, when trying to include express types.

import type { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "npm:@types/express";
import express from "npm:express";

Same is true for type assignment like:

// @deno-types="npm:@types/express"
import express, { Request, Response } from "npm:express"

The types include references to type dependencies:

/// <reference types="express-serve-static-core" />
/// <reference types="serve-static" />

LSP fails to resolve them, while that worked in beforehand. Also deno check does work in 1.43.3 still,
which leads to the assumption that this is not working as expected.

An example app is described here:

This is likely fixed by #23902.

That sounds great, I will give it a try, once it is released 👍 Thanks for your fast response!

works like charm, thanks a lot @nayeemrmn !