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Uncaught SyntaxError: A class may only have one constructor

travismfrank opened this issue · comments

When building with hayd/alpine-deno:1.9.0, I am receiving the following SyntaxError:

error: Uncaught SyntaxError: A class may only have one constructor
  //deno-lint-ignore camelcase
    at <anonymous> (

This behavior was not present with 1.8.2; perhaps stemming from useDefineForClassFields set to true?

Hi @TravisFrankMTG, by any chance are you bundling your code?

I am bundling my client code, but I don't bundle this module. I do cache my dependencies, including this module, with deno cache --unstable deps.ts before running my server with deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-net --unstable main.tsx. The error is thrown when I run the server, not when I cache the deps.

Update - after switching my frontend from TS -> JS, I am no longer encountering this error. Curious why this change would result in this behavior, as I cannot tell why changes in the client code would affect my server when compiling, but heh, there ya go. @Soremwar feel free to close, but would love to hear what prompted you to ask about bundling. Thanks!

@TravisFrankMTG Sorry for the slow response, and the reason I asked if you were bundling your code is because there was a chance this was related to Deno's bundling, I have constructor overloads in my code, and those should be removed when transpiling from TS to JS, but your error made me think that they were not

I am bundling my client code, but I don't bundle this module
Can you elaborate further on this? If you are bundling code that uses this library, it will be included in the final result

A quick note on fixing this; the problem seems to disappear when you switch to e.g. debian-deno. I wonder if this is related to denoland/deno_docker#113.

@eeve Those are constructor overloads, they are legal syntax