denisidoro / navi-tldr-pages

tldr-pages for navi, an interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line

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tldr option gets 1800(ish) sheets but tldr contains over 2100 sheets.

nerd190 opened this issue · comments


First, thank you! navi is amazing! just realised this has a tldr option so was about to throw my current tldr client away, but before I did, I run tldr -l | wc -l there are over 2100, but navi only finds 1800(ish) of them, also running navi --tldr apt gets:

Failed to call:
tldr apt --markdown

tldr page for command apt---markdown not found

Hopefully I can throw away the tldr client soon and just use this great utility instead!
P.S your dotfiles are::beautiful ;) Thank you for sharing them too.

Thanks for all your comments! 🎉

  1. What's the output of tldr --version? Do you know which client you're using? (js/rust/c++/etc)
  2. How did you get to the ~1800 number?

By the way, removing your tldr client won't be an option in any case because, at least for now, navi shells out to whatever tldr client you have. i.e., navi doesn't know to get tldr cheats by itself