dengyin2000 / dynamic_widget

A Backend-Driven UI toolkit, build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code.

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how to receive and update value after widget has created

prayuk545160 opened this issue · comments

how to receive and update value after widget has created

I want to read text of button and change after click button

i modify class RaisedButtonParser extends WidgetParser
by add line

key: map.containsKey('id') ? Key(map['id']) :null, for set Widget id

var raisedButtonJson = '''
"type": "Container",
"alignment": "center",
"child": {
"type": "RaisedButton",
"color": "##FF00FF",
"padding": "8,8,8,8",
"textColor": "#00FF00",
"elevation" : 8.0,
"splashColor" : "#00FF00",
"click_event" : "route://productDetail?goods_id=123",
"id" : "btn_post1",
"child" : {
"type": "Text",
"data": "I am a button xxxxxxxxx"

and read by

var textFind = find.byType(RaisedButton);//find.byKey(Key('btn_post1'));
var btn1 = ( as RaisedButton;

msgbox(ctx,id+":"+id+":"+ (btn1.child as Text).data);


but i can't update text data

i wont to get and set all Widget by find and update

no support for that

I understand that this is not currently support. Is it possible with architecture or is it to hard. I am hapy to look at doing a pull request if you think it is possible