deluan / zsh-in-docker

Install Zsh, Oh My Zsh and plugins inside a Docker container with one line!

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Running in devcontainer - theme does not work

js1972 opened this issue · comments

I am trying to run the zsh-in-docker script in a docker file like this:

RUN sh -c "$(wget -O-" -- \
    -t eastwood -p git -x

You can see I am specifying eastwood as the theme with the -t option. This docker file is started with a vscode devcontainer. For some reason - after starting the container the ~/.zshrc file always has this setting for the theme like this:

# Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will
# load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case,
# to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME
# See

If I manually change the theme in the .zshrc to eastwood and source it - then it works great with the selected theme.

There does not seem to be a theme even called "devcontainers" available!?? I also can't see any logic in your script that could do this so its weird!

Update - if I add this as a step at the end of the dockerfile it works: sed -i '/^ZSH_THEME/c\ZSH_THEME="eastwood"' /home/node/.zshrc.

Must be something in vscode's devcontainer terminal startup that changes the ZSH_THEME, somehow?!?

This fix works for me too