deltazefiro / Amarok-Hider

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[FeatureRequest] Trigger hide by a shell command

LimerBoy opened this issue · comments

Feature Description / 功能描述
There is an application that allows you to run commands when you enter a decoy password.

It would be great if you could trigger hiding applications by executing a shell command.

Try this:

adb shell am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n ${PKG_NAME}/.receivers.ActionReceiver

where ${PKG_NAME} is the application ID of Amarok, deltazero.amarok.foss for the F-Droid version, and deltazero.amarok for the AppCenter version.

Try this:

adb shell am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n ${PKG_NAME}/.receivers.ActionReceiver

where ${PKG_NAME} is the application ID of Amarok, deltazero.amarok.foss for the F-Droid version, and deltazero.amarok for the AppCenter version.

tried commands wth both ids using root shell, but didn't worked

Broadcasting: Intent { act=deltazero.amarok.HIDE flg=0x400000 cmp=deltazero.amarok.foss/.receivers.ActionReceiver } Broadcast completed: result=0

tried commands wth both ids using root shell, but didn't worked

Perhaps you are not using the latest version of Amarok? There was a change in intent API in v0.8.7a2. Please check if you are using v0.8.7a2 or newer. See docs.

I'm using v0.8.7b1 (latest from fdroid)

Could you please fill out the bug report template to help reproduce it?

tried commands wth both ids using root shell

I'm also interested in how you issued the adb command. Did you run the command on the device itself with a root shell? If so, how did you get the adb client?

Describe the bug / 问题描述
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce / 复现步骤
Steps to reproduce the behavior / 复现异常的步骤:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior / 预期行为
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots / 截图
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Basic Information (please complete the following information) / 请填写以下信息:

  • OS (ROM) / 系统: [e.g. MIUI 13]
  • Android Version / 安卓版本: [e.g. 12]
  • Amarok Version / Amarok版本: [e.g. v0.8.1b1-foss]

Additional context / 其他信息
Add any other context about the problem here.

Android 13
Amarok v0.8.7b1
App hide mode: Shizuku(sui) also tried with root mode.
Hides from Amarok UI but not from shell broadcast.

i sent both am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n deltazero.amarok.foss/.receivers.ActionReceiver and am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n deltazero.amarok/.receivers.ActionReceiver

from rooted Termux and $HELL emulators, and received Broadcast completed: result=0

app is not disguised as calendar, i tested with both.

Also did all from pc with adb.

i also installed v0.8.7a2 but all the same

Oh my, I omitted the package name in the command 😨
It will only work on the AppCenter version. This one should work for the foss version.

adb shell am broadcast -a deltazero.amarok.HIDE -n deltazero.amarok.foss/deltazero.amarok.receivers.ActionReceiver

Yes, it worked, thanks!