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Spanish Resource Grammar

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OPTSP/NBAR root ambiguity with proper names

olzama opened this issue · comments

In Spanish, proper names can occur with articles, so a typical way to realize a construction with a proper name is with the optional specifier rule:

Screenshot from 2024-03-01 18-17-14

At the same time, a root like this seems to be needed, for various titles and such (e.g. many examples in TIBIDABO portion with sentences of length 2, "bebe prematuro" and so on):

root_nbar := phrase-or-lexrule &
 [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ COORD-REL.PRED non_implicit_coord_rel,
                    AGR.DIVISIBLE -,
                    CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY nom_rel ], 
                          VAL [ SUBJ < >,
                                COMPS < >,
                                CLTS < > ] ] ],
            NON-LOCAL [ REL 0-dlist,
                        SLASH 0-dlist ] ] ].

This results in some ambiguity for proper names:

Screenshot from 2024-03-01 18-15-18

I couldn't immediately figure out how to rule this out without breaking things, so, just documenting that this ambiguity is there.