delbetu / ruby_on_wasm_talk

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Ruby on wasm talk

Sept 2023

I prepared a presentation and gave a talk about Ruby on Webassembly at the Montevideo Ruby Meetup.

These are the slides This repository contains examples of using Ruby3.2.wasm in various integration use cases.

Ruby Script Tag

1- Hello World
2- Reading a file

Running on WASI-compatible runtime

3- Hello World Wasmtime

Calling Ruby VM from browser

4- Eval use input
This example fetches the RubyVM from cdn and uses it to eval ruby-user-input

5- Markdown To Html using kramdown
This example extends previous example by serving an app.wasm which uses the kramdown gem to convert markdown to html. Then the frontend passes user input this app.wasm and prints back the html



Language:HTML 70.2%Language:Ruby 29.8%