dejohansson / az-204

Resources for the AZ 204 certificate

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AZ 204

General Snippets

Set global config

az configure --defaults group=rg-name
az configure --defaults location=westeurope

List & remove resources in a resource group

$resources = az resource list --resource-group $myRG | ConvertFrom-Json
$resources | Select name, type, id
az resource delete --resource-group $myRG --ids $resources[<resourceIndex>].id --verbose

Implement containerized solutions

Manage container images in Azure Container Registry

az acr create --resource-group $myRG --name "acrname" --sku "Basic"
az acr build --image "sample/hello-world:v1" --registry "acrname" --file "Dockerfile" .
az acr repository list --name "acrname" --output "table"
az acr repository show-tags --name "acrname" --repository "sample/hello-world" --output "table"
az acr run --registry "acrname" --cmd "$Registry/sample/hello-world:v1" "/dev/null"
az acr delete --resource-group $myRG --name "acrname"

Run container images in Azure Container Instances

az container create --resource-group $myRG --name "mycontainer" --image "" --ports 80 --dns-name-label $DNS_NAME_LABEL --location $myLocation
az container show --resource-group $myRG --name "mycontainer" --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" --out "table"
az container delete --resource-group $myRG --name "mycontainer"

Implement Azure Container Apps

az containerapp env create `
    --name $myAppContEnv `
    --resource-group $myRG `
    --location $myLocation
az containerapp create `
    --name my-container-app `
    --resource-group $myRG `
    --environment $myAppContEnv `
    --image `
    --target-port 80 `
    --ingress 'external' `
    --query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn


Resources for the AZ 204 certificate


Language:C# 97.0%Language:Dockerfile 3.0%