deis / logger

In-memory log buffer used by Deis Workflow.

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v2.9.0 logger still does not work with off-cluster redis

rimusz opened this issue · comments

$ kubectl -n deis logs deis-logger-3305119006-ixc1p 2016/12/06 11:44:46 config error: envconfig.Process: assigning LOGGER_DEIS_LOGGER_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT to DEIS_LOGGER_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT: converting 'redis port' to type int:

More Context:

I am running on Kubernetes 1.4.6 on GKE with deis version 2.9.0 with helm

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.0.1", GitCommit:"dc87ea8dd0111164c720fd13b4eb8a905f97ac62", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.0.1", GitCommit:"dc87ea8dd0111164c720fd13b4eb8a905f97ac62", GitTreeState:"clean"}

I am trying to deply an off-cluster redis with configuration:

    # Configure the following ONLY if using an off-cluster Redis instance for logger
    db: "logdb"
    host: ""
    port: 6379
    password: "" # "" == no password

But my deis logger fails with error:

2016-12-06T11:04:28.958212521Z 2016/12/06 11:04:28 config error: envconfig.Process: assigning LOGGER_DEIS_LOGGER_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT to DEIS_LOGGER_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT: converting 'redis port' to type int: 

@dhilipsiva try encasing port in quotes: port: "6379". The kubernetes API requires envvar values as strings, but if left out the yaml parsing library in k8s/client-go will parse it as an int, hence the error.

@bacongobbler port: "6379" still gives an error

I found this to be the case as well using an off-cluster redis instance. #129 should provide a better error message which then I can identify what the issue is from there.

Here's a better representation of the error:

><> kd logs deis-logger-484450232-7q1gy
2016/12/06 17:49:01 config error: envconfig.Process: assigning LOGGER_DEIS_LOGGER_REDIS_SERVICE_PORT to Port: converting 'redis port' to type int. details: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "redis port": invalid syntax:

So it looks like even though we are supplying the value in values.yaml, "redis port" is still needing to be updated somewhere.

This looks to be a chart templating issue. After installing, here's what I see:

><> kd get secret logger-redis-creds -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  db: MA==
  host: cmVkaXMgaG9zdA==
  password: cmVkaXMgcGFzc3dvcmQ=
  port: cmVkaXMgcG9ydA==
kind: Secret
  annotations: pre-install
  creationTimestamp: 2016-12-06T17:25:44Z
    app: deis-logger-redis
    heritage: deis
  name: logger-redis-creds
  namespace: deis
  resourceVersion: "5691"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/deis/secrets/logger-redis-creds
  uid: 04a71f56-bbd9-11e6-96d5-080027242396
type: Opaque

And if I take in that password:

><> echo "cmVkaXMgcG9ydA==" | base64 --decode
redis port

@rimusz @dhilipsiva try editing the logger-redis-creds secret with the expected values base64 encoded, then delete the logger pod to restart it.

For now, the fix is to do the following with your values.yaml until v2.10 (or v2.9.1, ping @mboersma @vdice @kmala):

  logger_redis_location: "off-cluster"
db: "0"
host: ""
port: "6379"
password: "" # "" == no password

Essentially the redis secret template expects the values at the root rather than being namespaced at redis, which is what the chart expects you to do. deis/redis#10 fixes this but you can use the above as a workaround until we release a patch or release v2.10 in January.

Thanks for you input @bacongobbler ! You are awesome! 😄