defunctzombie / zuul

[UNMAINTAINED] multi-framework javascript browser testing

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zuul --help does not print the full usage guide on node v6

75lb opened this issue · comments

this is the node 6 output, note it is incomplete:

$ zuul -h

  Usage: zuul [options] <files | dir>


    -h, --help                             output usage information
    -V, --version                          output the version number
    --ui <testing ui>                      ui for tests (mocha-bdd, mocha-tdd, qunit, tape)
    --local [port]                         port for manual testing in a local browser
    --tunnel [type]                        establish a tunnel for outside access. only used when --local is specified
    --disable-tunnel                       don't establish a tunnel for outside access. override any config in .zuul.yml and .zuulrc
    --phantom [port]                       run tests in phantomjs. PhantomJS must be installed separately.
    --phantom-remote-debugger-port [port]  connect phantom to remote debugger
    --phantom-remote-debugger-autorun      run tests automatically when --phantom-remote-debugger-port is specified
    --electron                             run tests in electron. electron must be installeecc-ui

this is related to updated process.exit() semantics in node v6.. essentially, you need to let the node process exit gracefully - process.exit() now kills the process on the spot without flushing process.stdout

Do you think you can submit a PR to solve this?

Should be fixed upstream, see tj/commander.js#530.

I think this can be closed. It should have been fixed in node 6.2.1.