Defirence / public-gpg-keys

My personal, rotating Public RSA-4096 GPG keys used for signing commits and other data.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My rotating set of public GPG/PGP keys used for signing commits, packages, releases etc.

✔️ Current Key Fingerprint:

C02D 33B6 5AC5 B2EE 6AE3 AC5F BCD6 1944 3BDA 19B4

GitHub Key ID: BCD619443BDA19B4

Generated: 18-04-2022

A6A4 1A3B DE6C 5667 4D35 9242

GitHub Key ID: AD6DC3BA2DF4E9A4

N.B: Older, unverified commits using this specific GPG signature are still valid since I unintentionally broke the uid for the primary email (my personal email address) by revoking it from this previous keypair.

Generated: 2021-03-13

Revoked: 18-04-2022

Learn more: Breaking GPG2 + Git Key Signing (WIP Article, broken link)


Some Release packages might not be signed yet.

e.g: custom-steam-status, all current and past releases. (Working on an automated GitHub Workflow to sign packages, artifacts and Releases.)


My personal, rotating Public RSA-4096 GPG keys used for signing commits and other data.