defi-org-code / harvest

Bread for the people!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Harvest Finance

The history of agriculture has been marked by technological advancements that allowed human populations to scale by maximizing the available yield through better tools and crop selection. We evolved from using primitive tools like the yoke to advanced machines like the tractor, which allowed humans to maximize yield and scale our population to billions. 🌾

With that, we present Harvest 🚜, a tool that helps farmers of all shapes and sizes get automatic exposure to the highest yield available across select decentralized finance protocols.

Bread for the people!





Community Wiki:



Haechi: We acquired an audit from Haechi which should assure our farmers that their crops are safe and bread for the people will be produced, no matter what the future brings. The audit highlighted one issue classified as major (initially pointed out by the community, thus it is already fixed), and 5 additional minor issues, 4 of which are in fact decentralization features and design choices that we actively made for our platform. The one remaining minor issue was fixed as well. We would like to thank Haechi for their hard work on this audit and keeping our farmers safe.

PeckShield: We acquired an audit from PeckShield which should assure our farmers that their crops are safe and bread for the people will be produced, no matter what the future brings. The main issue pointed out by PeckShield is the privileged role of our 0xf00d deployer address. Based on the discussion with our community, we have implemented timelock mechanisms that provide the farmers with an opportunity to leave the farm if they disagree with the deployer's actions before these actions are executed. An additional issue related to CRVStrategyStable's depositArbCheck() was pointed out by our wonderful community and was already fixed before the report by PeckShield was completed. Other non-informational issues do not affect the system, or are explicit design choices and decentralization features made by our team. We would like to thank PeckShield for their hard work on this audit and keeping our farmers safe.


We recommend interacting with Harvest via interfaces provided by our website. Direct interaction with the smart contracts should be avoided by farmers who are not experienced in using heavy machinery!

Deployers, Minters, Treasuries

Name Address Description
Deployer 0xf00dD244228F51547f0563e60bCa65a30FBF5f7f Deploys and administers contracts
Harvester 0xbed04C43E74150794F2ff5b62B4F73820EDaF661 Executes harvests of farmed rewards
Delay Minter 0x284D7200a0Dabb05ee6De698da10d00df164f61d Announces and executes FARM minting
Notify Helper 0xE20c31e3d08027F5AfACe84A3A46B7b3B165053c Sends profitshare emissions daily.
VWAP Bot 0x008671Ca953EC3BAa8C1b9af4623d38789EE2236 Auto-sells some FARM to pay for things
Developer Fund 0x49d71131396F23F0bCE31dE80526D7C025981c4d Receives 20% of minted FARM
Operational Treasury 0x843002b1D545ef7abB71C716e6179570582faA40 Receives 10% of minted FARM

FARM token:
0xa0246c9032bC3A600820415aE600c6388619A14D GRAIN token:


Vault Receipt Underlying Vault Contract Address Underlying Address
fWETH fWETH WETH 0xFE09e53A81Fe2808bc493ea64319109B5bAa573e 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
fCRV-HUSD fhusd3CRV husd3CRV 0x29780C39164Ebbd62e9DDDE50c151810070140f2 0x5B5CFE992AdAC0C9D48E05854B2d91C73a003858
fCRV-YPOOL fyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yTUSD yDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yTUSD 0x0FE4283e0216F94f5f9750a7a11AC54D3c9C38F3 0xdF5e0e81Dff6FAF3A7e52BA697820c5e32D806A8
fCRV-3POOL f3Crv 3Crv 0x71B9eC42bB3CB40F017D8AD8011BE8e384a95fa5 0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490
fCRV-COMPOUND fcDAI+cUSDC cDAI+cUSDC 0x998cEb152A42a3EaC1f555B1E911642BeBf00faD 0x845838df265dcd2c412a1dc9e959c7d08537f8a2
fCRV-BUSD fyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yBUSD yDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yBUSD 0x4b1cBD6F6D8676AcE5E412C78B7a59b4A1bbb68a 0x3B3Ac5386837Dc563660FB6a0937DFAa5924333B
fCRV-USDN fusdn3CRV usdn3CRV 0x683E683fBE6Cf9b635539712c999f3B3EdCB8664 0x4f3E8F405CF5aFC05D68142F3783bDfE13811522
fUSDC fUSDC USDC 0xf0358e8c3CD5Fa238a29301d0bEa3D63A17bEdBE 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
fUSDT fUSDT USDT 0x053c80eA73Dc6941F518a68E2FC52Ac45BDE7c9C 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7
fTUSD fTUSD TUSD 0x7674622c63Bee7F46E86a4A5A18976693D54441b 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376
fDAI fDAI DAI 0xab7FA2B2985BCcfC13c6D86b1D5A17486ab1e04C 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
fCRV-HBTC fhCRV hCRV 0xCC775989e76ab386E9253df5B0c0b473E22102E2 0xb19059ebb43466C323583928285a49f558E572Fd
fCRV-TBTC ftbtc/sbtcCrv tbtc/sbtcCrv 0x640704D106E79e105FDA424f05467F005418F1B5 0x64eda51d3Ad40D56b9dFc5554E06F94e1Dd786Fd
fCRV-RENWBTC fcrvRenWBTC crvRenWBTC 0x9aA8F427A17d6B0d91B6262989EdC7D45d6aEdf8 0x49849C98ae39Fff122806C06791Fa73784FB3675
fWBTC fWBTC WBTC 0x5d9d25c7C457dD82fc8668FFC6B9746b674d4EcB 0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599
fRENBTC frenBTC renBTC 0xC391d1b08c1403313B0c28D47202DFDA015633C4 0xEB4C2781e4ebA804CE9a9803C67d0893436bB27D
fSLP-DAI:WETH fSLP SLP 0x203E97aa6eB65A1A02d9E80083414058303f241E 0xC3D03e4F041Fd4cD388c549Ee2A29a9E5075882f
fSLP-USDC:WETH fSLP SLP 0x01bd09A1124960d9bE04b638b142Df9DF942b04a 0x397FF1542f962076d0BFE58eA045FfA2d347ACa0
fSLP-WETH:USDT fSLP SLP 0x64035b583c8c694627A199243E863Bb33be60745 0x06da0fd433C1A5d7a4faa01111c044910A184553
fSLP-WBTC:WETH fSLP SLP 0x5C0A3F55AAC52AA320Ff5F280E77517cbAF85524 0xCEfF51756c56CeFFCA006cD410B03FFC46dd3a58
fSLP-WBTC:TBTC fSLP SLP 0xF553E1f826f42716cDFe02bde5ee76b2a52fc7EB 0x2Dbc7dD86C6cd87b525BD54Ea73EBeeBbc307F68
fUNI-DAI:WETH fUNI-V2 UNI-V2 0x307E2752e8b8a9C29005001Be66B1c012CA9CDB7 0xA478c2975Ab1Ea89e8196811F51A7B7Ade33eB11
fUNI-USDC:WETH fUNI-V2 UNI-V2 0xA79a083FDD87F73c2f983c5551EC974685D6bb36 0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc
fUNI-WETH:USDT fUNI-V2 UNI-V2 0x7DDc3ffF0612E75Ea5ddC0d6Bd4e268f70362Cff 0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852
fUNI-WBTC:WETH fUNI-V2 UNI-V2 0x01112a60f427205dcA6E229425306923c3Cc2073 0xBb2b8038a1640196FbE3e38816F3e67Cba72D940
fUNI-DPI:WETH fUNI-V2 UNI-V2 0x2a32dcBB121D48C106F6d94cf2B4714c0b4Dfe48 0x4d5ef58aAc27d99935E5b6B4A6778ff292059991

Staking Contracts:

Pool Stake Token Reward Token Reward Pool Contract Link
WETH Pool fWETH FARM 0x3DA9D911301f8144bdF5c3c67886e5373DCdff8e
Profit Sharing FARM FARM 0x25550Cccbd68533Fa04bFD3e3AC4D09f9e00Fc50
Uniswap FARM:USDC FARM/USDC UNI-v2 FARM 0x99b0d6641A63Ce173E6EB063b3d3AED9A35Cf9bf
Uniswap FARM:WETH FARM/WETH UNI-v2 FARM 0x6555c79a8829b793F332f1535B0eFB1fE4C11958
Uniswap GRAIN:FARM GRAIN/FARM UNI-v2 FARM 0xe58f0d2956628921cdEd2eA6B195Fc821c3a2b16
CRV-HUSD Pool fCRV-HUSD FARM 0x72C50e6FD8cC5506E166c273b6E814342Aa0a3c1
CRV-YPOOL Pool fCRV-YPOOL FARM 0x6D1b6Ea108AA03c6993d8010690264BA96D349A8
CRV-3POOL Pool fCRV-3POOL FARM 0x27F12d1a08454402175b9F0b53769783578Be7d9
CRV-COMPOUND Pool fCRV-COMPOUND FARM 0xC0f51a979e762202e9BeF0f62b07F600d0697DE1
CRV-BUSD Pool fCRV-BUSD FARM 0x093C2ae5E6F3D2A897459aa24551289D462449AD
CRV-USDN Pool fCRV-USDN FARM 0xef4Da1CE3f487DA2Ed0BE23173F76274E0D47579
USDC Pool fUSDC FARM 0x4F7c28cCb0F1Dbd1388209C67eEc234273C878Bd
USDT Pool fUSDT FARM 0x6ac4a7ab91e6fd098e13b7d347c6d4d1494994a2
TUSD Pool fTUSD FARM 0xeC56a21CF0D7FeB93C25587C12bFfe094aa0eCdA
DAI Pool fDAI FARM 0x15d3A64B2d5ab9E152F16593Cdebc4bB165B5B4A
CRV-HBTC Pool fCRV-HBTC FARM 0x01f9CAaD0f9255b0C0Aa2fBD1c1aA06ad8Af7254
CRV-TBTC Pool fCRV-TBTC FARM 0x017eC1772A45d2cf68c429A820eF374f0662C57c
WBTC Pool fWBTC FARM 0x917d6480Ec60cBddd6CbD0C8EA317Bcc709EA77B
RENBTC Pool fRENBTC FARM 0x7b8Ff8884590f44e10Ea8105730fe637Ce0cb4F6
Sushiswap DAI:WETH Pool fSLP-DAI:WETH FARM 0x76Aef359a33C02338902aCA543f37de4b01BA1FA
Sushiswap USDC:WETH Pool fSLP-USDC:WETH FARM 0x6B4e1E0656Dd38F36c318b077134487B9b0cf7a6
Sushiswap WETH:USDT Pool fSLP-WETH:USDT FARM 0xA56522BCA0A09f57B85C52c0Cc8Ba1B5eDbc64ef
Sushiswap WBTC:WETH Pool fSLP-WBTC:WETH FARM 0xE2D9FAe95f1e68afca7907dFb36143781f917194
Uniswap DPI:WETH Pool fUNI-DPI:WETH FARM 0xAd91695b4BeC2798829ac7a4797E226C78f22Abd

Expiring pools from previous weeks

These are old vaults that no longer hold funds.

Vault Lock Token You Receive Instead Vault Contract Address
WETH WETH fWETH 0x8e298734681adbfc41ee5d17ff8b0d6d803e7098
DAI Vault DAI fDAI 0xe85C8581e60D7Cd32Bbfd86303d2A4FA6a951Dac
USDC Vault USDC fUSDC 0xc3F7ffb5d5869B3ade9448D094d81B0521e8326f
USDT Vault USDT fUSDT 0xc7EE21406BB581e741FBb8B21f213188433D9f2F
WBTC Vault WBTC fWBTC 0xc07eb91961662d275e2d285bdc21885a4db136b0
RENBTC Vault RENBTC fRENBTC 0xfbe122d0ba3c75e1f7c80bd27613c9f35b81feec
CRVRENBTC Vault CRVRENBTC fCRVRENBTC 0x192e9d29d43db385063799bc239e772c3b6888f3
WETH-DAI-LP Vault UNI-V2 fUNI-V2 0x1a9F22b4C385f78650E7874d64e442839Dc32327
WETH-USDC-LP Vault UNI-V2 fUNI-V2 0x63671425ef4D25Ec2b12C7d05DE855C143f16e3B
WETH-USDT-LP Vault UNI-V2 fUNI-V2 0xB19EbFB37A936cCe783142955D39Ca70Aa29D43c
WETH-WBTC-LP Vault UNI-V2 fUNI-V2 0xb1FeB6ab4EF7d0f41363Da33868e85EB0f3A57EE

These pools will not receive any new rewards.

LP Token Pool Stake Token Reward Token Reward Pool Contract Link
Profit Sharing FARM FARM 0x25550Cccbd68533Fa04bFD3e3AC4D09f9e00Fc50
DAI Pool fDAI FARM 0xF9E5f9024c2f3f2908A1d0e7272861a767C9484b
USDC Pool fUSDC FARM 0xE1f9A3EE001a2EcC906E8de637DBf20BB2d44633
USDT Pool fUSDT FARM 0x5bd997039FFF16F653EF15D1428F2C791519f58d
WBTC Pool fWBTC FARM 0x6291eCe696CB6682a9bb1d42fca4160771b1D7CC
RENBTC Pool fRENBTC FARM 0xCFE1103863F9e7Cf3452Ca8932Eef44d314bf9C5
CRVRENWBTC Pool fCRVRENWBTC FARM 0x5365A2C47b90EE8C9317faC20edC3ce7037384FB
FARM - USDC 20/80 Balancer FARM/USDC BPT FARM 0x346523a81f16030110e6C858Ee0E11F156840BD1
fDAI Uniswap DAI/fDAI UNI-v2 FARM 0xB492fAEdA6c9FFb9B9854a58F28d5333Ff7a11bc
fUSDC Uniswap USDC/fUSDC UNI-v2 FARM 0x43286F57cf5981a5db56828dF91a46CfAb983E58
fUSDT Uniswap USDT/fUSDT UNI-v2 FARM 0x316De40F36da4C54AFf11C1D83081555Cca41270
Sushiswap WBTC:TBTC Pool fSLP-WBTC:TBTC FARM 0x9523FdC055F503F73FF40D7F66850F409D80EF34

WETH Pool (accepts WETH, gives you FARM):

LINK Pool (accepts LINK, gives you FARM):

YFI Pool (accepts YFI, gives you FARM):

SUSHI Pool (accepts SUSHI, gives you FARM):

YFII Pool (accepts YFII, gives you FARM):

YFV Pool (accepts YFV, gives you FARM):

OGN Pool (accepts OGN, gives you FARM):

BASED + sUSD LP Pool (accepts UNI-V2 combo of BASED and sUSD, gives you FARM):

PASTA + ETH LP Pool (accepts UNI-V2 combo of PASTA and ETH, gives you FARM):

Balancer 5/95 pool: 0x0395e4a17ff11d36dac9959f2d7c8eca10fe89c9

Farm Stake Token Reward Token Balancer Pool Link Reward Pool Contract Link
CRV:FARM 90/10 CRV/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x45A760B3E83FF8C107C4df955b1483De0982F393
SWRV:FARM 90/10 SWRV/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x44356324864a30216e89193bc8b0f6309227d690
BASED/sUSD:FARM 90/10 BASED+sUSD/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0xf465573288D9D89C6E89b1bc3BC9ce2b997E77dF
AMPL/ETH:FARM 90/10 AMPL+ETH/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x7AF4458D3aBD61C3fd187Bb9f1Bbf917Cd4be9B8
YFV:FARM 90/10 YVF/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x158edB94D0bfC093952fB3009DeeED613042907c
SUSHI:FARM 90/10 SUSHI/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x26582BeA67B30AF166b7FCD3424Ba1E0638Ab136
LINK:FARM 90/10 LINK/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x19f8cE19c9730A1d0db5149e65E48c2f0DAa9919
PASTA/ETH:FARM 90/10 PASTA+ETH/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0xB4D1D6150dAc0D1A994AfB2A196adadBE639FF95
PYLON:FARM 90/10 PYLON/FARM BPT FARM balancer pool 0x2f97D9f870a773186CB01742Ff298777BBF6f244


Bread for the people!


Language:Solidity 54.1%Language:JavaScript 45.9%