deepstreamIO /

The iOS client for

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Add instructions to README about testing with Example and/or TestApp

akramhussein opened this issue · comments

Useful to add instructions on how to test the iOS client using the Example or TestApp.

Full instructions can be found here

@akramhussein These seem out of date, the build I am using with swift now has different resource files, and client has no property record

Hi @mdramos - thanks for raising that, I will update the docs.

I'm not sure why the client doesn't have a record property though, I'll need to take a deeper look.

Which Deepstream iOS library version are you using?

Hey thanks for replying, looks like Im on 2.0.6-c2272

Updated README #11.

@mdramos I've not been able to replicate the issue with record property.

In the extension we have:

public extension DeepstreamClient {
    public var record : RecordHandler {
        get {
            return self.getRecordHandler()

Which gives access to it.

To clarify, are you having a compilation issue or is Xcode not auto-completing the usage of this property?

Just to add, if you take a look at this line in the example it uses the record property.

@akramhussein ah yea it looks like I was having issues copying over the extensions. All seems to work fine now!

Thanks for the hard work!

@mdramos no problem.