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DeepstreamRuntimeErrorHandler undeclared ?

xunan623 opened this issue · comments

Can't find DeepstreamRuntimeErrorHandler file error My question is what configuration? I executed the pod install in the demo, but seven errors were reported. Please help to check it.

I have the same problem.
Even when I create a class that meets the protocols, XCode complaints that I don't meet it.

Try to prefix all classes with "DS", they seem change name to prevent collision

final class DSRuntimeErrorHandler : NSObject,  DSDeepstreamRuntimeErrorHandler {
    func onException(_ topic: DSTopic!, event: DSEvent!, errorMessage: String!) {
        if (errorMessage != nil && topic != nil && event != nil) {
            print("Error: \(errorMessage!) for topic: \(topic!), event: \(event!)")

final class DSAppConnectionStateListener : NSObject, DSConnectionStateListener {
    func connectionStateChanged(_ connectionState: DSConnectionState!) {
        print("Connection state changed \(connectionState!)")

Hope this help