deepsense-ai / Keras-PyTorch-AvP-transfer-learning

We pit Keras and PyTorch against each other, showing their strengths and weaknesses in action. We present a real problem, a matter of life-and-death: distinguishing Aliens from Predators!

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Keras vs. PyTorch: Alien vs. Predator recognition with transfer learning

Featured in blog post Keras vs. PyTorch: Alien vs. Predator recognition with transfer learning, in which we discuss the differences. Code is in two Jupyter Notebooks:

See also the upcoming webinar (10 Oct 2018), in which we walk trough the code.

For plug&play interactive code, see the Neptune versions with fancy charts or these Kaggle Kernels:


See also: Alien vs. Predator images | Kaggle. In general, there are 447 images for each class, split into two classes. Examples:


If you want to run the code, see the requirements:

  • Common:
    • jupyter==1.0.0
    • matplotlib==2.2.3
    • Pillow==5.2.0
    • h5py==2.8.0
  • Keras:
    • tensorflow==1.10.1
    • Keras==2.2.2
  • PyTorch:
    • torch==0.4.1
    • torchvision==0.2.1

Webinar info


We pit Keras and PyTorch against each other, showing their strengths and weaknesses in action. We present a real problem, a matter of life-and-death: distinguishing Aliens from Predators!


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%