deepseek-ai / DreamCraft3D

[ICLR 2024] Official implementation of DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior

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Meet some problems when training DreamBooth and LoRA

snowflakewang opened this issue · comments

Hello, I am sorry to bother you again. I notice that there are some Python scripts in the threestudio/scripts folder (such as, Are these two scripts used to produce highly detailed texture results on your project page? I am confused about the relationships between these scripts and the main program. Should I separately train a DreamBooth, load it into bsd-guidance/vsd-guidance, then only train bsd/vsd loss and LoRA in the main program, and repeat these steps?

Meanwhile, I wonder that, in the texture refinement stage, have you used DeepFloyd instead of SD 2.1 base to achieve better results? Because I conducted experiments using SD 2.1 base, but the results fall behind yours.

Thank you very much :)


3D Generation projects are more and more complicated nowadays…QAQ