deepseek-ai / DeepSeek-V2

DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model

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851039536 opened this issue · comments

"detail": "Invalid top_logprobs and logprobs value"

Same here. Even with example curl request from the API docs page.

Edited: I've noticed, that removing both top_logprobs and logprobs items completely from request solves the issue, unless you need to control those params as well.

Same here. Error: [Error: 401 Authentication Fails (no such user).

The error "detail": "Invalid top_logprobs and logprobs value" is because when you set top_logprobs, you MUST set logprobs to True. The default value of these two parameters is wrong in the api-doc. We have fixed them. @851039536 @CoruNethron

Same here. Error: [Error: 401 Authentication Fails (no such user).

You should input your api key first in the Auth -> Bearer Token section in the REQUEST block.