deepnight / redistHelper

A small Windows script to quickly create redistribuable of an existing simple HL/JS/SWF haxe project.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Running redist on a mac fails

eoy opened this issue · comments

"command": "haxelib run redistHelper hl.sdl.hxml -v -o redist -p Kalevala"

Execute ':package: Redist' command...
ExtraFiles listing:
Project name: Kalevala

Initializing folder: redist...
Parsing hl.sdl.hxml...
Building hl.sdl.hxml...
Packaging redist/opengl_win/Kalevala...
Initializing folder: redist/opengl_win/Kalevala...
Copying HL runtime files to redist/opengl_win/Kalevala... 
Called from ? line 1
Called from Main.hx line 232
Called from Main.hx line 207
Called from Main.hx line 353
Called from Main.hx line 465
Uncaught exception - Invalid field access : split

In addition to this, should there be an option to only build osx?

I have the exact same issue on Linux. Googling gives result such as this: but it seems weird that the problem would come from the Haxe std libraries which work perfectly everywhere else ? Additionally no amount of variable tweaking (as suggested in the post I linked) solved this problem

EDIT: actually having checked up online and ran tests the issue is probably not split not being found. Sys.getEnv("path") returns null on my system (the Linux variable being PATH, and I suspect same goes for Mac). Work for cross-platforming this tool needs to be done (I'll do what I can to get it to run and submit the necessary changes)