deephalder / 15f07018

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample Package

I'm a better student :) This package assigns a grade (pass/fail) to the projects for the exam Coding for Data Science and Data Management, R module (2019/2020), Master in Data Science and Economics, University of Milan.


# first install the R package "devtools" if not installed


The package provides a dataset containing the ids for the exam Coding for Data Science and Data Management, R module (2019/2020) from

# dataset documentation


Grade this project:

sample::grade(ids = "15f07018")

The function sample::grade() supports grading multiple (all) projects at once, and storing results into a csv file.

Type ?sample::grade for a complete description of the function and its arguments.

Note: running the function several times or grading many projects at once may raise the error "API rate limit exceeded [...]". If so, create a GitHub token to authenticate requests and increase your rate limit, as explained in the error message.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 94.8%Language:R 5.2%