deepfire / weld

A history rewriting tool for git.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welding two commits that cancel each other fails

deepfire opened this issue · comments

[deepfire@andromedae:~/src/foo]$ weld 4cb27a1abca4b7006cfca920f5016ec4d06aa214 33e0f91b4a24b8b37eac947ae5c807c1583cea33
; weld: now at rebase-weld-14035/4cb27a1abca4b7006cfca920f5016ec4d06aa214
; weld: git cherry-pick 33e0f91b4a24b8b37eac947ae5c807c1583cea33
[rebase-weld-14035 fa53fc1] Revert "woot: enable logger by default"
 Author: Alexander Graph <>
 Date: Fri Sep 16 11:27:01 2016 +0200
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
; weld: git reset --mixed 4cb27a1abca4b7006cfca920f5016ec4d06aa214
Unstaged changes after reset:
M   woot/common/
On branch rebase-weld-14035
No changes
You asked to amend the most recent commit, but doing so would make
it empty. You can repeat your command with --allow-empty, or you can
remove the commit entirely with "git reset HEAD^".
; weld: git rebase --onto rebase-weld-14035 4cb27a1abca4b7006cfca920f5016ec4d06aa214 installer-fixes
Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.
Please commit or stash them.
WARNING  Rebase phase failed.

   Do you want to FIX-manually-then-continue?  If you do, then:

      0. Abort not performed:
          - conflict are in the tree
          - temporary weld branches are out there

      1. It allows you to:
          - fix the conflicts manually
          - 'git add' deconflicted files
          - resume weld:  'weld --continue'

      2. Lost hope?  Still can ABORT later by 'weld --abort'

FIX-manually-then-continue, already-fixed-CONTINUE-now or ABORT?
Your choice?  'f'IX / 'c'ONTINUE / 'a'BORT=default  a
You chose ABORT
; weld: aborting operation
No rebase in progress?
HEAD is now at d40caa0 woot: do not sync configs when using PyInstaller
Deleted branch backup-weld-5677 (was d47caa0).
Deleted branch rebase-weld-14035 (was 5c727a1).
; weld: FAILED 'rebase'