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[BUG] Pandas 2.0 styler.render not existing anymore

jultou-raa opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
This bug concern core/serialization/dataframe/ file and may be other when using pandas 2.

starting at line 43

serialize(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        """Serialize pandas.DataFrame instance into HTML format."""
            if isinstance(self.value, pd.DataFrame):
                df_styler =
                df_styler = self.value
            # Using deprecated pandas method so hiding the warning
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
                # Set precision is deprecated since pandas 1.3.0
                if parse_version(pd.__version__) < parse_version('1.3.0'):
                table_css_props = [
                    ('text-align', 'left'),  # Align everything to the left
                    ('white-space', 'pre-wrap')  # Define how to handle white space characters (like \n)
                df_styler.set_table_styles([dict(selector='table,thead,tbody,th,td', props=table_css_props)])
                return df_styler.render()

The render method does not exist anymore and is deprecated since pandas 1.4 and must be replaced by to_html method.