deedy5 / duckduckgo_search

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Getting Rate-Limitited while having 1-minute breaks in-between

CezaPasc opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I am getting rate-limited receiving a 202 Status Code even though I am waiting at least 1 minute between the requests. It usually happens after 6-7 requests
I'm not sure if it matters, but I'm still able to visit the browser after being rate-limited.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
The problem can be reproduced executing this:

from duckduckgo_search import DDGS
import time

class DuckDuckGo:

    def __init__(self, limit=5) -> None:
        self.limit = limit
        self.query = "" = DDGS()
        self.new_search = False
        self.last_request = 0
        self.cooldown = 60

    def perform_search(self):
        assert self.query != "", "Please set a search query first using `set_search(query)`"
        now = time.time()
        difference = now - self.last_request
        if difference < self.cooldown:
            to_wait = self.cooldown - difference
            print("Waiting %s before next request" % to_wait)

        # Send the request
        results =, max_results=self.limit)
        self.new_search = False
        self.last_request = time.time()

        for result in results:
            result["link"] = result.pop("href") 

        return results

    def set_search(self, query):
        self.query = f' "{query}"'
        self.new_search = True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    duck = DuckDuckGo()

    while True:
        results = duck.perform_search()

        results = duck.perform_search()

        results = duck.perform_search()

duckduckgo_search.exceptions.RatelimitException: 202 Ratelimit

Specify this information

  • OS: Mac OS 14.2
  • environment: Python 3.10
  • duckduckgo_search version: 5.3.0

Try the version with httpx for now:
pip install -U duckduckgo_search==5.3.0b4


Was having same issue, the httpx version fixed it. Thank you.

I am now using this version and I am still facing the same issue.
duckduckgo_search 5.3.0b4

Do I also have to change something in the code, like specifying a different backend?

Trying the suggested version (5.3.0b4) also solved the problem for me.
pip install -U duckduckgo_search==5.3.0b4

In case you are using Windows, you also have to change the default EventLoopPolicy of asyncio library BEFORE importing the other libraries.

import asyncio

I don't know if I will be rate-limited again with the httpx version after a while...


In case you are using Windows, you also have to change the default EventLoopPolicy of asyncio library BEFORE importing the other libraries.

This is applied automatically:


I am now using this version and I am still facing the same issue.
duckduckgo_search 5.3.0b4
Do I also have to change something in the code, like specifying a different backend?

Changing the backend parameter will not provide any benefits.


In case you are using Windows, you also have to change the default EventLoopPolicy of asyncio library BEFORE importing the other libraries.

This is applied automatically:

Yes. You are correct. I tried without and no warning now, so no need to change the EventLoopPolicy.
Thank you for your effort.


There's a new version (v5.3.1) out, give it a try.
pip install -U duckduckgo_search

Could it be that the problem is somehow on my fault?
I tested it now again twice: in the same environment and then on an other server (using Linux instead of Mac OS) with a fresh Python environment only having duckduckgo_search installed.
duckduckgo_search 5.3.1

Still running into the same after update to v5.3.1. Was running 1 search per 3-5 sec for total ~50 searches. The error message is bit confusing since I can see the search output in the provide url. Do we just wait it out for soft block period or there is a fix?

RatelimitException: 202 Ratelimit

duckduckgo_search==5.3.0b4 works for me while 5.3.1 still fails

I'll leave my two cents here.
I was using this lib with langchain inside Collaboratory.
Restarting the runtime fixed it, while every other solution didn't.
Edit: Doesn't seem to always solve the issue

I am using windows system its working
after adding code below code before

import asyncio


from duckduckgo_search import DDGS

results = DDGS().text("who twitter ceo", max_results=5)

Thanks @DavidEstape

What is the current situation?
Does anyone have v5.3.1 or 5.3.1b1 working?

Neither 5.3.1 nor 5.3.1b1 is working for me. In my case, it freezes forever instead of raising an exception. However, 5.3.0b4 seems to be working.

Update to v6.0.0

Using version 6.1.9 still facing this issue > RatelimitException: 202 Ratelimit

Having the same issue


update to v6.1.10