deedy / Deedy-Resume

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

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(Light) math font fitting to the default text fonts

fzeiser opened this issue · comments

I wondered which math font to use in connection to the default fonts for Deedy (Lato and Raleway). The text fonts are very light, which cause the combination to look rather "weird":


I tried to make the fonts lighter (with limited success) or find another well fitting font, see eg:

How do I get a light math font?
Suggest a “nice” font family for my basic LaTeX template (text and math)
See also this font cataloge with math support

After some struggles, I was rather happy with following solution:

  • the light front from kpfonts
  • still they were too "thick", so I made them almost grey
  • use the no-math option for fontspec, such that it doesn't change the math fonts
% Set main fonts
% \usepackage{lmodern}


which results in the following:
(Note that I on purpose highlighted my name, F. Zeiser, but that's another issue. The math fonts don't disturb the eye any longer)