debop / koda-time

Joda Time and Java 8 Time Extensions for Kotlin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unresolved reference on Android Studio 3.4

AlanLarsson opened this issue · comments

Updated Android Studio and suddenly the project couldn't build because it couldn't resolve org.joda

What you use ? koda-time or java-time ?

if you use koda-time, you should add joda-time dependency in your project.
koda-time use joda-time as provided (implementation)

It had worked fine before without explicitly adding the joda-time dependency.
But adding it solved my issue.

oh man thank you this saved our bacon today. after updating to Android Studio 3.4, updated gradle-wrapper etc etc, suddenly all the DateTime's spread across the code base stopped resolving! as with @AlanLarsson we didn't need a specific dependency on joda-time

this fixed it.

implementation 'joda-time:joda-time:2.10.2'
implementation 'com.github.debop:koda-time:2.0.0'