debauchee / barrier

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Tracker issue: Work on UTF-8 support.

shymega opened this issue · comments

Currently, Barrier has limited UTF-8 support, and that has led to issues being reported with various languages being processed wrongly.

We need to work on this. I would like to get it in for the v2.4 release, or earlier.

So, I am Portuguese and My name is João. I installed Barrier and it never worked because user folder as an ~. I am trying to change user folder name, but it's too dificult... Please change so that barrier can work with those characters...

Hi, thanks for your comment. You can react to the original post with :+1:, rather than commenting, as that does not add constructive information to the issue.

Thank you.


Just wanted to further add that this behavior also occurs when pasting from a linux host to a mac osx client (consistently in some apps but not all. Textedit, Firefox, seems to process the paste correctly, iMessage however does not.

Will this address the fact that I cannot type Ǐǐ (i with caron) and ȷ (dotless j) through barrier, or I should create another issue for this?

I get can't map keycode to key id message in the debug log.


Well, yes, those symbols are from the Unicode table. Thanks for the answer.

"Le dollar néo-zélandais ("kiwi") recule de 1,40% à 0,6923 dollar américain mardi en fin d’après-midi, alors que le gouvernement a décrété un confinement de 3 jours dans tout le pays."


"(AOF) - Le dollar néo-zélandais ("kiwi") recule de 1,40% à 0,6923 dollar américain mardi en fin d’après-midi, alors que le gouvernement a décrété un confinement de 3 jours dans tout le pays."

this is how it looks like when I copy paste from MacOS Big Sur 11.5.1 to Win10 20H2 via Barrier 2.3.3 (PC is server, Mac is client). Don't know if this helps tracking this issue down...

This does help, as it gives an example of UTF-8 behaviour. Thank you! 🙌🏻

Maybe I am missing something, but suspect after #910 got merged, basically all my UTF-8 issues with dead key went away. My guess is most of the people does not use the builds from master, so maybe it is time for proper release?

Just adding my 2 cents: I'm trying to run this, but by default it looks for info in my user folder (which has an Á):

PS C:\Program Files\Barrier> .\barriers.exe --help
Start the barrier server component.
If no configuration file pathname is provided then the first of the
following to load successfully sets the configuration:

As you can see, it prints ├ü instead of Á, because:
Á is the same as c3 81 in HEX (
which in DEC is 195 129
which in Extended ASCII is ├ ü (

So, it seems it's not taking every UTF-8 byte into account, diving every 2 byte UTF-8 character into 2 ASCII characters, so maybe the reading of the path is correct, but the saving is wrong? I'll look, but I'm no cpp dev :(

I have just installed 2.4.0-release-3e0d758b. Running between macOS Montery (server) and macOS Catalina (client). Copy & Paste work well enough (though not always on the first attempt). However Emojis such as 🦧👀🐵🙈 do not copy across. Other unicode characters such as 茶 are OK.

Is this the same issue as above?

I don't know, I work on Input Leap now - Barrier I'm not aware of UTF-8 being resolved yet.