deanishe / alfred-repos

Browse, search and open Git repositories in Alfred

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

“depth” option description is misleading

kopischke opened this issue · comments

Configuring the workflow for the first time, I hit a snag where my repos seemingly randomly disappeared from search results. As it turned out, this was due to my understanding of the depth config option. The README states:

use the depth option to restrict the search depth [...] (i.e. search within subdirectories of specified directory, but no lower)

which suggests it limits the search to a maximum subdirectory depth. However, the actual find command in uses the -depth n option, which defines an exact subdirectory depth to be searched. This means either that

  • the behavior is intentional; in that case, the documentation should be reworded. Or that
  • the find command should actually use the -maxdepth n option for the depth setting.

Personally, I would find the second option far more intuitive, but that is up to you.

Ref: Apple man page for OS X’ find

Thanks for finding the bug. Should be fixed now.

That was fast! Thanks for a great Alfred extension BTW.