deanishe / alfred-convert

Convert between different units in Alfred

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using °C and °F

iandol opened this issue · comments

Hi @deanishe, perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but looking at Pint's units I should be able to use °C and °F to reference degree_Celsius and degree_Fahrenheit:

alfred-convert is however telling me they are unknown units? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how the units and aliases work? An option to be able to ignore case would also be nice (degC or degc). Thanks for a great workflow!!!!!

What I did is added this
f = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 233.15 + 200 / 9 = °F = fahrenheit = degF = degreeF c = kelvin; offset: 273.15 = °C = celsius = degC = degreeC
in the unit_definitions.txt and now I can do like conv 100 f c

What I did is added this f = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 233.15 + 200 / 9 = °F = fahrenheit = degF = degreeF c = kelvin; offset: 273.15 = °C = celsius = degC = degreeC in the unit_definitions.txt and now I can do like conv 100 f c

In the case of @iandol, that'd be:

°F = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 233.15 + 200 / 9 = f = fahrenheit = degF = degreeF

°C = kelvin; offset: 273.15 = c = celsius = degC = degreeC

It worked for me. I don't know why it doesn't work by default but that workaround works. Consider a PR?