deanishe / alfred-convert

Convert between different units in Alfred

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fiat currency conversions not recognised

russbrenner opened this issue · comments

Appears as though fiats that were working in a prior release are no longer recognised.

Have verified they appear in active_currencies.

Running latest 3.2 from git. Removed workflow + leftover files, restarted Alfred, reinstalled, same result.

FIAT symbols tried from USD: AUD, NZD, ZAR.

Screenshots attached.

screenshot 2017-11-03 11 42 20

screenshot 2017-11-03 11 50 00

screenshot 2017-11-03 11 50 40

same here

What does the log file say? (Use conv workflow:openlog to open it.)

I'm guessing it's because you haven't set APP_KEY.

I have similar issue - and I've entered the valid APP_KEY.
For example conv 100 eur usd
unknown unit

Same here, @deanishe here's the log file:

16:26:17 CRITICAL invalid query (100usd eur): Unknown unit: eur
16:26:23 CRITICAL invalid query (100usd aud): Unknown unit: aud
16:26:26 CRITICAL invalid query (100usd gbp): Unknown unit: gbp
16:26:33 CRITICAL invalid query (100usd nzd): Unknown unit: nzd

Commands I tried were:

conv 100usd eur
conv 100usd aud
conv 100usd gbp
conv 100usd nzd

OK, my bad. I forgot that first currency has to be joined with the value.
conv 100usd eur works.

So for others that have this problem setup openexchange api key in configuration.

I forgot that first currency has to be joined with the value

It doesn't. It's likely the workflow updated the exchange rates at some point after you added APP_KEY.

Same here, @deanishe here's the log file:

@eduwass, that's not enough. Please post all log messages for an entire run where you're getting the error.

NOTE: The workflow caches exchange rates for several hours. If you've set APP_KEY and can't convert currencies, that's most likely because the old list of exchange rates that doesn't include any fiat currencies hasn't expired yet.

To force a refresh, enter conv workflow:delcache in Alfred.

@deanishe that conv workflow:delcache did the trick, thanks! 👍

v3.2.1 will clear cached exchange rates when you set APP_KEY and immediately download new rates.