ddworken / hishtory

Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context

Home Page:https://hishtory.dev

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deletion errors

greatbooms opened this issue · comments


I have been using this program with great appreciation.

However, due to this glitch, when I delete it, I keep getting the following message.

_hishtory_precmd:8: command not found: hishtory

It doesn't seem to be deleting perfectly and I would like you to check this issue.

Thank you.

Thanks for opening this issue! Can you share some more details about what exactly triggers this behavior? Do you mean that you tried to delete the CLI tool (due to #107 I'm guessing?) and that leads to the error _hishtory_precmd:8: command not found: hishtory in your shell?

Generally, in situations where you want to disable or uninstall hishtory, I reccomend either:

  • Running hishtory disable to temporarily disable hishtory (which is enough to work around the problems in #107)
  • Running hishtory uninstall to fully uninstall hishtory (which will clean up all the relevant files and prevent this error)

In your situation, you can fix this by either:

  • Manually editing your ~/.zshrc file to remove the lines referencing hishtory
  • Installing hishtory again, and then running hishtory uninstall

Also, I'd like to just point out that #107 has been fixed, so if that is your only issue, you should be able to just reinstall hishtory and pick up where you left off. :)

Sorry about that.

I didn't see the part about restarting!

I restarted the terminal and it works fine!

Ah, glad to hear it! If you run into any other issues, please let me know. And I hope you give hishtory another shot now that #107 has been thoroughly fixed. :)