ddvk / remarkable-hacks

additional functionality via binary patching

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3.0 out of beta

StaffanBetner opened this issue · comments

3.0 is now slowly rolling out. The version number is

it may take a while


I didn't test this new version. What is better than the old version with DDVK hacks? What is missing compared to the hacked version?

I'm afraid to miss ddvk hacks!

@zelomel I'm writing a video on just that right now, but I did an initial impressions video when the beta came out if you're curious. https://youtu.be/xPEqzmU5-xg

@brandonkboswell , thanks for your video above. Hadn't discovered your channel and just subscribed!

Question: what happens when you 1) save your document as PDF and 2) print your document when you've extended the page with the infinite feature?


P.S. Fellow lefty here who HATES that close button in the upper left corner! Written to rM several times to no avail.

@brandonkboswell , thanks for your video above. Hadn't discovered your channel and just subscribed!

Question: what happens when you 1) save your document as PDF and 2) print your document when you've extended the page with the infinite feature?


P.S. Fellow lefty here who HATES that close button in the upper left corner! Written to rM several times to no avail.

It renders at 1:1. So it will have the width of a typical sheet, but then has variable height (with a minimum of your typical sheet size). From there you can decide in your print driver how to deal with it.

Maybe one day they will let us lefties have our menus open ;)

P.S. Fellow lefty here who HATES that close button in the upper left corner! Written to rM several times to no avail.


I wish there was a way on the ddvk left handed layout to move the the bookmark feature away from the top left corner. I keep hitting it every time by accident.

I end up needing to toggle off the bookmark feature for this reason. Would love it if the bookmark icon could move to the middle of the upper edge.

@Tridens92 I ended up doing the exact same ^^

Yeah, maybe that's something we can suggest to @ddvk to change in future releases.

  1. Would love to toggle on/off the new infinite scroll feature. I keep accidentally resizing and it's a PITA to readjust.

  2. The text tool option is cool but clunky. Moving around text would rule, but maybe more feasible just to open up the margins of where you can start text? It seems limited to an inch from the left margin, and imprecise placement. Not sure what else to suggest for a hack. It also seems to force you to reuse the same text field on a page, so writing in columns, e.g., requires using a ton of spaces. Unless I'm not doing it right. Judy looking to start a convo on text feature bugginess and ideas for improvement.

  3. @ddvk THANK YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS!! your work makes mine so much more efficient!

it may take a while

Sorry for the excessive email requests and really appreciate your efforts, will await.

sorry for the delay, just holidays and stuff. i'll try to find time this week.

great, thanks!
My rm updated today to SW v3, though I (thought I) had disabled automatic updates...
Don't know if I did something wrong, or if v3 might be somewhat forced?!?

great, thanks! My rm updated today to SW v3, though I (thought I) had disabled automatic updates... Don't know if I did something wrong, or if v3 might be somewhat forced?!?

Just switch back and disable automatic updates.


sorry for the delay, just holidays and stuff. i'll try to find time this week.

A huge thanks for your work! The DDVK hack makes a huge difference. It actually helped me to finally start using my reMarkable 1 in all areas of my life and to properly enjoy it. 
I'm happy to wait. I'll rather stick with the 2.x version than lose all the hack functionalities.

So I did play with the new version (which I kind of hate), the Adjust View missing being a major show stopper. I find the zoom/pan, infinite canvas thing laggy.

So I did play with the new version (which I kind of hate), the Adjust View missing being a major show stopper. I find the zoom/pan, infinite canvas thing laggy.

I agree with you.

@ddvk have you looked into the 3.x changes yet to know where contributions might help?


So I did play with the new version (which I kind of hate), the Adjust View missing being a major show stopper.

Thanks for the warning, I did not know this essential feature went missing. The reMarkable website suggests otherwise. I'll put off updating to 3.0 until there is a hack that fixes this.

I'd also very much like to be able to turn off enlarging ('infinite') pages. This silly feature breaks the notebook concept and I wouldn't want to accidentally trigger it.

Having said that, fast tool switching and bookmarks alone would suffice to make me reinstall the hacks on 3.x, once available. Thanks, @ddvk!

The reMarkable website suggests otherwise.

It is explicitly stated on reMarkable website:

Adjust view is only available for PDFs.


The reMarkable website suggests otherwise.

It is explicitly stated on reMarkable website:

Adjust view is only available for PDFs.

I'm still on version 2, and Adjust View is available only for PDFs there as well. Am I missing the point?

I'll check whether 3.10 is any better. right now you have to zoom a pdf with pinch in order to adjust the view, and it being laggy is cumbersome.

I'll check whether 3.10 is any better. right now you have to zoom a pdf with pinch in order to adjust the view, and it being laggy is cumbersome.

Not much better in It's bit less laggy, but essentially the same function as 3.0.

Guess I will hold back before making that update. Personally I would only care for the hacks if v3 is as snappy as v2, but I get why people don't want to downgrade to v2.

@ddvk thank you so very much for putting your time and effort in, especially if you yourself don't even like the new update! I just unthinkingly started to update, and while waiting went to download this hack only to realize JUST in time that it wasn't ready for 3.0 and managed to stop the update! Would it still be possible to 'downgrade' these days if I wanted to check out the 3.0 update, but then go back to 2.15 with ddvk-hack ? Because I'm quite certain I prefer the old version + hack to the new version, but I am curious to test it. I believe long ago it was possible to run your own fake 'update server' in order to downgrade, but I don't remember the details of what I did.

you can downgrade, but any documents you open on 3.x will be converted and not be usable when you revert to 2.x .

you can use the switch.sh script in the update repo to go back to the previous version

Actually, that doesn't surprise me. That is pretty typical when a file format changes. When you are running 3.x, the device expects the file to follow the new file format. If it is an older file format, it will convert it (on the fly) to the latest version and then resave it so it doesn't need to convert it again. You typically should never be "rolling" back to an older version (in the companies eyes that is.) Again, this is all pretty typical when going from one major version of software to another.

I am sure that if you open a 2.x file with V3 of the software, and then "roll-back" the device to V2, when you roll the device forward to V3 again the V3 converted file will be fine. Now, that being said, I did not test it (I don't want to risk mucking any of my files, sorry!)

I would be VERY nervous about going BACK to a older MAJOR version though, as it won't know how to handle a file with a newer version number (again, how could it know about the future.) If you try opening a V3 file with V2 of the software, it MAY not do anything worse then tell you it can't open the file, or wors, it could TRY to open the file, mis-interpret it because it is an newer file version then it knows how to work with, and then corrupt the file. Hopefully they wrote the firmware to do the former, not the latter.

I think for your sanity, I would not try and go back and forth between MAJOR software versions of the firmware on the device (V2<->V3). I am pretty sure if you get a corrupted file from doing that, rM support would be well within their rights to tell you that what you did is NOT supported.

Just my .02 of course.

that's correct, going to 3.x again you can open the files without data loss.

What a disaster!!!
I would love to test the new version, but I am not upgrading until the ddvk is ready.

I think it would be great a switch to activate or deactivate this page enlargement according to the doc you are using.

Best regards!

Holy crap, really? Any you open? Will they be accessible again once you do
go back to v3 (when ddvk hacks are available)?

I don't want to lose docs, but I am fed up with v3 turning all my pages
into infinity scroll without asking first. It's way too easy to initiate
that, and then you can't get the original page to ever realign correctly.
From the thumbnail view, pages with additional space, even if unused, show
up scrolled to the top. It's not an option to prevent the added space OR to
reset the original page size once it's been created, even if blank.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023, 5:18 AM Dobrin von Känel @.***>

you can downgrade, but any documents you open on 3.x will be converted and
not be usable when you revert to 2.x .

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@ddvk Any progress?

Not sure if if @ddvk was waiting for the stable version of 3.1 to get released to update the hack, but I see that rM has moved right to a 3.2 beta, so I don't know if 3.1 is ever getting widely released. Link to 3.2 beta release notes below. https://support.remarkable.com/s/article/Overview-of-beta-software-releases

@regrubtaf I rather think the challenge is very huge, since a lot within the code base has changed. This man needs more time to do it.

@regrubtaf I rather think the challenge is very huge, since a lot within the code base has changed. This man needs more time to do it.

Certainly. Didn't mean to come off as impatient. I was just concerned that, if he was working on 3.1, it's already become obsolete.

@regrubtaf Great point. Out of reflection from the past I can say that porting the hack to a new minor version is not that troublesome probably. In the past @ddvk skipped some minor versions in quick session if necessary, so I'm confident that he already considers it.

I hope he can give an update soon on how it went so far.

Version seems to be the stable v3 now.


Hello guys!

Any news? THANK YOU!!

Hello guys!

Any news? THANK YOU!!

cc @ddvk

I got the type folio which requires v3. Now I have to decide if I want to type (and lose @ddvk's hacks) or have the better interface (with @ddvk) but not be able to use the keyboard :/

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw the switch.sh script, so I am able to go back and forth between 3.2.3 and 2.15.1 as long as I do not open the same notebooks 😎

Version seems to be the stable v3 now. Looks to be the stable v3 now.

The updates just keep coming!

Also it's fine @ddvk, we can wait. Take your time. 👍

The updates just keep coming!

Also it's fine @ddvk, we can wait. Take your time. 👍

Hi folks, do anybody know something about the projct? has @ddvk closed it? Or is there any hope of new Version

Since the repository isn't archived, the project isn't closed. Same update as before, ddvk hasn't gotten to it yet.

@Eeems I'm ready to stuck on version 2 for the rest of this device's life time. 💀

So, in contrast, things can only improve and if not, then I'm not getting a bad surprise.

the project is not abandoned yet, but I'm just too busy with work and other stuff. I'm still on 2.15 because I have 2 other projects to fix for 3.x,

the project is not abandoned yet, but I'm just too busy with work and other stuff. I'm still on 2.15 because I have 2 other projects to fix for 3.x,

@ddvk -No worries on timing. Thankfully, v.2.15 is a decent and stable version to stick with for as long as necessary.

Agreed! In fact, it is probably good as there have been so many 3.x releases that always having to patch them and update would have take more time in the long run!
I always wish I could help, but at least I can donate $$ for all the hard work you have done!

Thanks @ddvk !!!

the project is not abandoned yet, but I'm just too busy with work and other stuff. I'm still on 2.15 because I have 2 other projects to fix for 3.x,

Any timeline to do this @ddvk and thanks for your great work?

Just got the type folio, and would love to be able to switch between 2.15 and 3.3, using 3.3 only to write with the keyboard on certain notebooks (that I know I wouldn't be able to use when on the 2.15). I can hear a script called switch.sh is mentioned.

I can't find anywhere were somebody describes the steps to get there, it's only someone saying it as if it's already done. I'm comfortabme with the commandline, ssh and have toltec installed and stuff, but I really don't want to break my device, especially now I just got the type folio. Could anyone tell me how to get there?

I can't find anywhere were somebody describes the steps to get there

What @Eeems posted is what I do. The repo for the script is here and specifically the script is here.

The easiest way to do this is:

  1. Make sure that you are on 2.15 with the hacks
  2. Turn on automatic updates. Update the device to whatever the latest is (3.3 seems to be the most current)
  3. Turn off automatic updates.
  4. Clone the above repo (remarkable-update) onto your computer
  5. Copy the switch.sh file to your remarkable. See the commands (remember to change to the IP address of your device) found here
  6. ssh into your device and run the script (as in the directions above)
  7. Reboot

The script will switch back to the previous version (which was 2.15 with the hacks). What is neat is that you can run it again and switch back to 3.x. The rM basically keeps the current and previous version. So this script allows you to switch back and forth. This means you can run 3.x when you want to use the folio and then switch to 2.15 with the hacks when not using the folio. This is what I do and it is super easy.

A few things to remember:

  1. As @ddvk has already mentioned, if you open any notebook in 3.x, it will convert the format and you will be unable to open it in 2.15. What I do is create new notebooks to use with the folio and leave all the other notebooks for 2.15.


Make sure that you turn off automatic updates if you want to switch back and forth. Why? Because if you are on 3.3 and then rM goes and releases 3.3.1, then it will update to 3.3.1 and it will move 3.3 to the previous version and then will ERASE 2.15 from your device. Remember that it only keeps one previous version.

So if rM updates again (for instance from 3.x to 3.y), and you want to switch to the newest 3.y, your process should be like this if you are on 3.x:

  1. If you are on 3.x, ssh into your device and run the switch.sh script
  2. Reboot. You are now back on 2.15 with hacks
  3. Turn on automatic updates
  4. Update the device. This will remove 3.x as the previous version, will push 2.15 (with hacks) to the previous version and make 3.y as the newest version
  6. ssh back into your device and run switch.sh. This will then swap the versions so that 2.15 (with hacks) is the previous, and 3.y is the current. You can now use the folio with 3.y.

Hmm thank you for the guide! I followed it, and ssh'ed into the device, and after copying the script, I run it, remembering to add executable rights before (not everytime just including it to narrow down possible errors)

chmod +x switch.sh

It does say:

reMarkable: ~/ ./switch.sh
new: 2
fallback: 3

but when restarting the device, it still boots into the 3.3 version. Somewhat mystified by this.

I went into /usr/share/remarkable/update.conf and added the server line, so it looks like this:

#SERVER=https: //updates.cloud. remarkable. engineering/service/update2

so right now I'm stuck on 3.3. If I manage to get that fixed, is there a way to switch.sh between the two without ssh'ing into the rm2 to switch? Like ideally, having it in remux would be the best, looked at this and it seems like it might be possible - but since 3.3 does not support toltec, I guess that even if it was possible to add switch.sh as an app in remux from 2.15, then when in 3.3 you would still need to ssh in, because you can't access remux from 3.3. Is this correctly understood? (of course it's better only having to ssh the one way than both ways - but it's not that great having to have a pc nearby to switch)

To clarify, you were on 2.15 with toltec etc installed. You ran an update to 3.3, and when you tried sketching back you were stuck on 3.3? Did you run switch.sh more than once before rebooting?

To clarify, you were on 2.15 with toltec etc installed. You ran an update to 3.3, and when you tried sketching back you were stuck on 3.3? Did you run switch.sh more than once before rebooting?

That's right. for example, I just restarted the device. I can see I'm on 3.3. I then ssh into the tablet and run switch.sh, which is located in /home/root/.

Strangely, first time I run it, it says:

reMarkable: ~/ ./switch.sh
new: 3
fallback: 2

which is odd, given that I'm already on 3, so I would expect it to be the other way around, right?

Anyway, I run it again and now it says:

reMarkable: ~/ ./switch.sh
new: 2
fallback: 3

I restart, but it is still on 3.3.

(I also tried restarted after running the script once after an restart, e.g. where it says new: 3 and fallback: 2, just to try it out, but the result is the same)

also remux is gone, of course, so I can't get into KOReader, which is kind of a bummer. But I guess that it's only in 2.15 you can get that, right. Damn. Too bad you have to choose between good software or having a keyboard XD

What you are saying doesn't line up with how things work. Could you jump on the community discord and ping me? If you had 2.15, and only did one upgrade to 3.3, switching will work. At the very least, if there is somehow two copies of 3.3 on the device, we can downgrade one to 2.25.

What you are saying doesn't line up with how things work. Could you jump on the community discord and ping me? If you had 2.15, and only did one upgrade to 3.3, switching will work. At the very least, if there is somehow two copies of 3.3 on the device, we can downgrade one to 2.25.

Ok? How odd. Well thanks for helping me out appreciate it, I can post in here what went wrong after we figure it out, because I can't see how i deviated from the fairly simple and straightforward guide posted above. I felt I did everything to the letter, but sunbathing must have screwed up.

Are you there on the discord fairly regularly? I'll just jump on some times doing the coming week and I'll run into you don't you think?

I'll be around, especially if you ping me.

I restart, but it is still on 3.3.

Make sure that you actually run reboot from when you are ssh'd into the device and don't just do restart from within the rM UI. If you just restart from within the UI, it won't switch partitions.


Dear @ddvk ,
I hope you are doing well. I would love to upgrade to v3, but I recognize that I can't live without your hacks. Do you have any estimated date for the release? How can we help you?

Dear @ddvk ,
I hope you are doing well. I would love to upgrade to v3, but I recognize that I can't live without your hacks. Do you have any estimated date for the release? How can we help you?

I am the same... Can't live with the ddvk hack and at the same time would love to move to V3.

@ddvk, will you update your hack one day or are you giving up with upgrades? If the latter, please let us know and we then knowingly decide whether we move on to V3.

Any update on this please? - I purchased a reMarkable2 recently and I'm currently on V3.5.1.1792.

It has been more than 6 months since the release of version 3.0, and there is still a lack of clarity regarding when and what to expect.

It would be greatly appreciated if we could receive some form of statement. This could include estimates or even stating that no estimates can be given at this time.

Having this information would help people to make choices like sticking 2.15 with ddvk hacks, move to 3.x and be patient, or abandon any hope and fully embrace 3.x.

Back again, many thanks @ddvk for his amazing work, which has been incredibly helpful to many people.

Without in any way meaning to be disparaging or negative, I think it's time to accept that this probably isn't getting an update ever again. I've seen the pattern of lack of updates, forced "I'll find time for it soon" and "It's not abandoned and I'll start on it again in ..." many times in the past, on open source projects, fan fiction stories, websites and amateur game development. In some cases it was real life intruding, in many it was some form of depression, or simply lack of interest and being unable to force oneself to work on something you didn't want to even think about working on, and for free on top of it.

I myself, during the height of my depression, have put up notices about I would really start working on something again, and soon, this time for real, only to spend some weeks dreading getting into the project again only to eventually silently not do it, so I am definitely not judging! These things happen, and as sad as it is for the 'consumer', that is simply the way the world turns sometimes.

We got something amazing for free from this fantastic project, and we should celebrate the joy it's brought us, but I think everyone, including the repo owner, will be better off if we stop holding out and asking for updates and accept that at least at this point in time, this project is fixed at the version it's at, and we can either decide to stay there or upgrade and miss out on the features gained through it.

In that spirit: so long, and thanks for all the fish and the hard work on this fantastic thing!


On 20 April, @ddvk said he's just very busy right now. Give him time! I have postponed upgrading to 3.x so far, and will continue to wait. 2.x with the hacks is a pleasure to use anyway.

@RhvdG In my mind I concluded the final minor v2 to be the end version of this device. Who knows what will happen, but at least I cannot get disappointed, because I don't expect anything.

It was and is great while it lasts. Isn't that what really matters? I'm happy with v2, so long I have these great hacks with it.


I have moved on to v3 (without ddvk hacks), and meanwhile I have gotten used to it. The most important shortcuts are there (like two-finger tap to undo). I can live with it.

I bought a onyx boox tab ultra and sole my rm2 that was Mt solution 😄 can highly recommend doing that.

I had this sort of rm2 fanboy resistance to it but hands down, it's a better device. No hacks needed for good basic functionality and koreader is available in the app store.

How is the writing experience ? and can you download / use customized templates (such as a calendar, etc)?

I own both. The writing experience on the tab ultra is fine, but I think the rM2 is better. The tab ultra is too "slick". You can see Voja's reviews (youtube MyDeepGuide) where he compares the "paper likeness" of the screens. Voja says it does not bother him, but it does bother me. You can put a screen protector on the tab ultra to make it more paper like, but then it makes the distance from the pen to the screen thicker, and that is also annoying.

The keyboard on the rM2 is also much better in my opinion. It is better to type on, and I like that when you are using just the device, the keyboard is hidden. The tab ultra keyboard is kind of annoying when flipped around the back, so I usually have to take the device out of the keyboard cover if I am not using the keyboard, which I don't do for the rM2.

As far as templates, it is much easier on boox devices to load custom templates.

If you are looking for a calendar, I highly recommend Voja's My Daily Organizer which is just a hyperlinked pdf that you can put on your device. Since it is just a pdf document (and not a template), you just load it like normal. I use it all the time as my calendar (works on many devices since it is just a pdf document).

But you can't use ddvk-hacks on boox devices.

I would like to remind everyone that this is for discussion around issues with ddvk-hacks, not a Boox support forum.

discussion around issues with ddvk-hacks

Far enough. See edit.


Starting to lose faith on this as well. Can we maybe start an OpenCollective to fund this and recruit other developers to work on this? We can't rely on one person to maintain this. Would it be possible to document the development process for doing these hacks? Until then, 2.15 for life until an update. I've largely abandoned my RM in favor of my Supernote.

Starting to lose faith on this as well. Can we maybe start an OpenCollective to fund this and recruit other developers to work on this? We can't rely on one person to maintain this. Would it be possible to document the development process for doing these hacks? Until then, 2.15 for life until an update. I've largely abandoned my RM in favor of my Supernote.


@Eeems The reasoning doesn't hold. He can write detailed instructions about what he has done without leaking their source, so other developers can reproduce it. At this stage I think this would be the right move to move forward. So:

  • How to obtain the necessary binaries?
  • How to reverse engineer it?
  • Where to hook in what code (only his stuff, no violation at any means)?
  • Possibly writing binary patches of the latest version 2?
  • If the procedure involves licensed tools, how to obtain those as well?

The only real reasoning not being able to provide those information is that he possesses some required tools or data that could only be obtained in an illegal act, which I highly doubt is the case.


I definitely agree with it and I'd be willing to help if those information are provided.

The only real reasoning not being able to provide those information is [...]

In some jurisdictions, reverse engineering and/or de-compiling copyrighted binaries is an offense.

@mhantsch I'm not a lawyer, quite interesting that it can be an offense if you keep the material itself private. However, I doubt this is the case in Switzerland where @ddvk lives at.

Isn't it considered "maintenance" when you give the information to another developer who takes care of the "maintenance"? But thanks for sharing that, I had no idea Switzerland has this law. I'm quite surprised.


Either way, can't this be released anonymously? No one is trying to resell the code or anything.

Also, I'm curious what is meant by this in the FAQ:

Why is this not open source?
I don't own the source, the legality is dubious, not in reMarkable AS's best interest due to various reasons, etc

Specifically, this part: "not in reMarkable AS's best interest due to various reasons"

What reasons?

If xochitl is QT (and the symbols have been stripped), the following work presented at USENIX Sec '23 could help reverse engineering efforts: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/presentation/wen

Their implementation, based on Ghidra, is at: https://github.com/OSUSecLab/QtRE


What would actually be amazing is to decouple the Lamy pen hack from the patch so that one can use that independently? @ddvk if that's possible?

What would actually be amazing is to decouple the Lamy pen hack from the patch so that one can use that independently? @ddvk if that's possible?

Just found this: https://github.com/isaacwisdom/RemarkableLamyEraser
Don't know if it's working with the most update version, but probably worth a try.


What would actually be amazing is to decouple the Lamy pen hack from the patch so that one can use that independently? @ddvk if that's possible?

Just found this: https://github.com/isaacwisdom/RemarkableLamyEraser Don't know if it's working with the most update version, but probably worth a try.

It does work (at least up to v 3.3), but it's not quite as good as the DDVK version. The button functions as a contact eraser, but there's no option to use it as a lasso eraser.

Anyone tried it on, which is the latest stable version?

Just to remind everyone, this is about 3.x support for ddvk-hacks, to find information and discuss other things, you should go to their repository and open a new issue or discussion there.


I would also love to have lamy hack decoupled from remarkable hacks. I'm an RM1 user and have no option for a stylus with an eraser like RM2. I use my tablet about 4-6 hours a day taking client notes, and the lamy eraser button is a lifesaver. @ddvk , would be so grateful, if the project is at EOL, for that to happen. In any case, thanks so much for your contribution to the rM community. Without exagerration, you've made every workday an easier day for me!

What would actually be amazing is to decouple the Lamy pen hack from the patch so that one can use that independently? @ddvk if that's possible?

This is the one feature I’d hate to be without. I accidentally got updated to 3.5 yesterday and I’m really hoping to find a solution for this. If it was a standalone hack for 3.5, it would be a lifesaver.

I got stuck with no Cloud access anymore and had to update to 3.6!
I am desperate!!! I miss so many functionality of the DDVK hack!
Please come back and save us!!!!

I got stuck with no Cloud access anymore and had to update to 3.6!

Guess this renders this project officially dead. I already consider to sell my device and get something else at this point.

I got stuck with no Cloud access anymore and had to update to 3.6!

Guess this renders this project officially dead. I already consider to sell my device and get something else at this point.

That's an odd take. I'm on 2.15, and I'm happily using rmfakecloud. This is the first I've heard about 2.15 not working with the official cloud anymore.

@forpascal my guess is that you encountered this, and didn't actually have to update: https://remarkable.guide/faqs.html#my-device-is-connected-to-wifi-but-can-t-sync-or-check-for-updates-how-can-i-fix-this

I got stuck with no Cloud access anymore and had to update to 3.6! I am desperate!!! I miss so many functionality of the DDVK hack! Please come back and save us!!!!

I'm still able to connect to the rM cloud in v. 2.15. All functions still working.

Would sponsoring the project help with updates to 3.6?

@brb Not sure about that lol