ddollar / foreman

Manage Procfile-based applications

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Custom Procfile option doesn't work

EdOverride opened this issue · comments

In foreman docs (foreman --help) it's mentioned one can use -f option to specify custom Procfile, however that doesn't seem to work.

>> foreman --help
  foreman check                   # Validate your application's Procfile
  foreman export FORMAT LOCATION  # Export the application to another process management format
  foreman help [COMMAND]          # Describe available commands or one specific command
  foreman run COMMAND [ARGS...]   # Run a command using your application's environment
  foreman start [PROCESS]         # Start the application (or a specific PROCESS)
  foreman version                 # Display Foreman gem version

  -f, [--procfile=PROCFILE]  # Default: Procfile
  -d, [--root=ROOT]          # Default: Procfile directory


web: puma -p 3000

Command used:

foreman start -f Procfile.dev


Could not find command "_f".

Tried using version 0.87.1 and this git's master branch. Both have this issue.

Maaan @EdOverride
I was too lucky to get stuck in the same shit 🤣

Probably the problem was the same as mine, I missed start word in the command
So instead of running
foreman -f Procfile.dev
foreman start -f Procfile.dev

And it's better to replace in your file the line
web: puma -p 3000
web: bin/rails server -p 3000