ddollar / foreman

Manage Procfile-based applications

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.foreman file port is ignored

timscott opened this issue · comments

In the root of my rails app I have .foreman file:

port: 3001

And Procfile.dev

web: bundle exec rails s
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work

When I start foreman, it seems to ignore the .foreman port setting:

> foreman start -f Procfile.dev
13:10:23 web.1    | started with pid 41798
13:10:23 worker.1 | started with pid 41799
13:10:28 web.1    | => Booting Puma
13:10:28 web.1    | => Rails 4.2.8 application starting in development on http://localhost:3000

Why is the website starting on port 3000? This used to work. I'm not sure what changed. I'm using version 0.85.0.

@timscott is this still an issue?

@andrewmcodes yes it is.

@timscott Do you have an example repo?

I can't reproduce

$ cat .foreman
port: 3001

$ cat Procfile
web: ruby app.rb

$ cat app.rb
$stdout.sync = true
$stderr.sync = true

Signal.trap("INT") do

puts "Running... PORT=#{ENV['PORT']}"

$ foreman -v
$ foreman start -f Procfile
22:15:02 web.1  | started with pid 68910
22:15:02 web.1  | Running... PORT=3001
^C22:15:03 system | SIGINT received, starting shutdown
22:15:04 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes
22:15:04 web.1  | exited with code 0