ddiakopoulos / tinyply

:earth_africa: C++11 ply 3d mesh format importer & exporter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Progress Indicator / Callback?

Robert42 opened this issue · comments

Useful for providing a progress bar when loading huge point ply files. Also to allow the user to abort the import process

Suggestion 1

Allow loading the ply file chunk-wise. For example, allow the user to call read with a range of vertices/faces to be loaded.

The user could call read(size_t begin, size_t end) with range like saying, load the vertices from 100000 to 100100. This would also make implementing a progress bar (and aborting the loading process) possible without having to integrate a callback function.

Suggestion 2

Every 10000 vertices or so, a user provided callback function could be called.

This feature is being incubated on the https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/tinyply/tree/2.4 branch and should be merged soon!