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Guitarix MIDI Map csv

dddomin3 opened this issue · comments

Guitarix was oddly the start of the project, and it's fallen to the wayside.

Need to come up with a good MIDI map for guitarix (csv style) to eventually base Bank 3 on MIDI Fighter Twister on, and push a file to save the settings as well.

how the guitarix settings file looks like, at least from a MIDI standpoint:

  "midi_controller", [
    32, [["amp2.stage1.Pregain", -20, 20]], # doesn't work because Bank LSB
    33, [["gxdistortion.drive", 0, 1]],
    34, [["gxdistortion.wet_dry", 0, 100]],
    35, [["amp2.stage2.gain1", -20, 20]],
    36, [["bassbooster.Level", 0.5, 20]],
    37, [["con.Level", 0.5, 5]],
    38, [["eq.level1", -50, 50], ["amp.wet_dry", -1, 1]], #multiple things mapped to one value
    39, [["distortion2.gain", -30, 10]],
    40, [["distortion2.drive", 0, 100]],
    41, [["distortion2.Hfreq", 20, 2000]],
    42, [["distortion2.freq", 1000, 20000]],
    43, [["distortion2.wet_dry", 0, 100]],
    44, [["amp.tonestack.select", 0, 26]],
    45, [["amp.tonestack.Bass", 0, 1]],
    46, [["amp.tonestack.Middle", 0, 1]],
    47, [["amp.tonestack.Treble", 0, 1]]
  "midi_ctrl_names", {
    "32": "Bank Select LSB" # see