dcyoung / Regression-Kernel-Smoothing

Regression of spatial data using kernel functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Regression of spatial data using kernel functions.

Provided Code...

  1. Uses a data set of temperature measurements from 112 weather stations in Oregon held here: http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/homes/s0198247/Data.html
  2. Uses kernel functions to build various linear regressions predicting the annual mean of the minimum temperature as a function of position.
  3. Predicts and plots the average annual temperature at each point on a 100x100 grid spanning the weather stations.
  4. Investigates a regularized kernel method using the lasso.
  5. Investigates the effect of differen choices of elastic net constant (alpha)


Regression of spatial data using kernel functions


Language:R 100.0%