dcodeIO / long.js

A Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement integer value.

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Division for unsigned values produces incorrect result

vladsch opened this issue · comments

Test sample

var Long = dcodeIO.Long;
        var a = new Long(0,8, true);
        var b = Long.fromNumber(2656901066, true);
        var x = a.div(b); // x = 12 is corrupt, its object value->unsigned = false, should be true
        //x = 12; // Explicitly setting Long.fromNumber(12, true) yields correct result.
        var y = Long.fromNumber(3850086465, true);
        var z = Long.fromNumber(2476925576, true);
        var res = x.mul(y).compare(z.shl(32)) > 0;

        console.log("x = " + x + "; (" + (x.mul(y)) + ") > (" + (z.shl(32)) + ") = " + res);

x = 12; (46201037580) > (10638314343545962496) = true

x = 12; (46201037580) > (10638314343545962496) = false


Well, I see where this fails, but this doesn't seem to be an easy thing to fix. The derived algorithm (from the closure library) seems to be designed for signed values only. Making the inputs properly unsigned only results in infinite loops for me so far.

What about to replace 'res = ZERO' (https://github.com/dcodeIO/long.js/blob/master/src/long.js#L961) to 'res = this.unsigned ? UZERO : ZERO'
It seems it resolves the issue


Well, yes, partly, but there is also this test case: https://github.com/dcodeIO/long.js/blob/master/tests/suite.js#L159

Using toNumber() there is bogus of course, but let's say we do this instead:

        "max_unsigned_div_neg_signed": function(test) {
            var a = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE;
            var b = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE.sub(1);
            var longVal = a.div(b); // here

With your proposed fix applied, this (still) results in an infinite loop.

@dcodeIO, thank you for fixing this issue!