dckiller51 / bodymiscale

Custom_components Body Metrics for Xiaomi Miscale 1 and 2 (esphome or BLE monitor for Homeassistant)

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V2.1.0 no input for Birthday "apple iOS"

TobsenHH opened this issue · comments

no input field for birthday

Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-13 um 12 57 54


Subscribing, I get the same issue.

Do you have version 2022.4.0.b0 at least?
Did you have the choice of the date before the error message?
Do not enter the date manually, otherwise you will get this error message.
You can click on the years for a quick selection.
Sans titre

Sans titre

After installing 2022.4.x, you also need to clear the frontend cache. HA will show a message, that a newer version of the frontend exists.
You can manually clear and reload with CTRL + F5


Do you have version 2022.4.0.b0 at least?

Did you have the choice of the date before the error message?

I'm currently on 2022.4.3. No date field at all.. but after checking, only on my iPad (both client & in browser). It appears fine on my Android phone client, desktop Firefox, etc.

I'm not sure which client platform @TobsenHH is using, but if it is also iOS then I presume it's specific to that. (Maybe a bug in HA itself?, though I don't know how to test that theory.)

After installing 2022.4.x, you also need to clear the frontend cache. HA will show a message, that a newer version of the frontend exists.

I manually reset the frontend cache on my iOS client and the issue still remains.

This issue exists only on the iPhones and not on the iPad. Very strange...

I use a MacBook with safari, I try it with Firefox on my MacBook

Probably unrelated, but it would be nice to be able to use it as a slightly older person... I can not pick my birthdate because I was born before 1970... Date picker does not go further back then 01-01-1970?

I use a MacBook with safari, I try it with Firefox on my MacBook

With Firefox on Mac without problems

This issue exists only on the iPhones and not on the iPad. Very strange...

I have an old Ipad, on safari I also have the problem. On the other hand when I change the selector to datetime it loads correctly.

selector({"datetime": {}}),

And if I test on the page https://design.home-assistant.io/#components/ha-selector no problem