dbuezas / esphome-cc1101

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ESP32-S2 Crashing on Transmit

lukas-holzner opened this issue · comments

I have the module connected to a ESP32-S2. Recieving of signals works without any problems. Unfortuatly when i press the button to send, Esphome crashes and reboots the esp. I don't detect any signals with my flipper zero either :(

  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto 868 = new CC1101(
        36, // SCK
        37, // MISO
        35, // MOSI
        34, // CSN
        2, // GDO0
        200, // bandwidth_in_khz
        868.35 // freq_in_mhz
      return {868};
      id: transciver
      internal: true
  - pin: 2 # This is GDO0
    carrier_duty_percent: 100%

  - pin: 2 # This is GDO0
      # on the esp8266 use any of D1,D2,D5,D6,D7,Rx
      # Don't use D3,D4,D8,TX, boot often fails.
      # Can't be D0 or GPIO17 b/c no interrupts
      - raw
  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: Garage
      code: [-6278,417,-788,387,-788,383,-789,402,-391,790,-799,398,-389,788,-782,392,-788,387,-394,789,-390,791,-391,794,-793,387,-402,793,-386,788,-786,402,-386,788,-391,783,-786,379,-788,387,-390,795,-397,781,-786,387,-784,384,-788,387,-397,779,-399,785,-396,791,-785,388,-791,386,-780,383,-786,408,-784,385,-407,779,-388,794,-404,787,-784,387]
  - platform: template
    name: Garage
      - lambda: get_cc1101(transciver).beginTransmission();
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [-6278,417,-788,387,-788,383,-789,402,-391,790,-799,398,-389,788,-782,392,-788,387,-394,789,-390,791,-391,794,-793,387,-402,793,-386,788,-786,402,-386,788,-391,783,-786,379,-788,387,-390,795,-397,781,-786,387,-784,384,-788,387,-397,779,-399,785,-396,791,-785,388,-791,386,-780,383,-786,408,-784,385,-407,779,-388,794,-404,787,-784,387]
      - lambda: get_cc1101(transciver).endTransmission();

It does receive signals.

Unfortunately I haven't tried this myself on an esp32, less so in an s2. I don't see anything wrong in the yaml either. I suggest you look a the threads in this repo about esp32, and maybe also google the library this uses to communicate with the c1101

Try the new cc1101 and yaml files. GDO2 not necessary in esp32 anymore.