dbt-labs / dbt-audit-helper

Useful macros when performing data audits

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Macro to check if two schemas contain the same relations

dbeatty10 opened this issue · comments

Describe the feature

compare_schemas: given two schemas, determine their relative complements (AKA, set differences) similar to compare_relations.

🚧 Further refinement would be necessary to determine which type(s) of atomic units should be compared.

The most simple approach would be to only compare relation names (and not compare the relation types, column names, row values, etc).

in_a in_b count percent_of_total
True True 7 0.30
True False 10 0.43
False True 6 0.26

Setting a summarize argument to false could let you check which relations do not match between schemas:

relation_name in_a in_b
raw_orders True False
raw_customers False True
stg_orders True False
stg_customers False True

Describe alternatives you've considered

A legit option is to close this as wontfix!

If we do choose to implement it, there are many different ways that two schemas could be compared, depending how deeply one wants to go. Anything beyond simple comparison of relation names within the schema could be deferred to more granular macros like compare_relations (or completely different packages, like dbt-expectations).

Additional context

The initial commit for this repo had the following to-dos:

  • Macro to check if two models have the same structure
  • Macro to check if two schemas contain the same relations
  • Extend check_equality macro to handle edge cases

There is now only one remaining.

The main motivation for creating this issue is so that I can feel better about cleaning up the README by removing this from the bottom 😎


Who will this benefit?


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