dbolya / tide

A General Toolbox for Identifying Object Detection Errors

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Dupe detection seems to be working incorrectly

kirillfish opened this issue · comments

When testing an object detector on my custom dataset, I found out that the most prevalent error is duplicate bboxes. It is clearly seen when I visualize detected bboxes. But TIDE doesn't recognize that and always reports tiny, almost zero amount of duplicates.

I also noticed that there is no example in your paper or notebooks where Dupe category would be significant fraction of all errors, which looks dubious. Are you sure there is no bug in here? For example, what is ex.gt_used_cls and is it defined properly?


Now I see that it detects duplicates, but for some reason doesn't include into the summary

I changed fix method for DuplicateError:

def fix(self):
    return self.suppressor['class'], -1

It changed the way summarizer processes fixed errors, and now it seems to report them correctly