dblens / app

Database explorer for Mac, Windows & Linux

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cannot connect with port?

gillbates opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

thanks for the efforts first of all:)
I have a postgres running with port 9000.
But it seemed it cannot connect?


Hey @gillbates,

Thanks for reporting this, I tried connecting to a PG database with port, It seem to be working for me. Looks like the error message is not informative engough to debug the error. Could you verify the following?

  • The DB instance is accessible from the computer where you have the DB Lens installed
  • Connection string has correct DB user, password and port

Expectation is that it should be able to connect from any machine where you can connect to a DB using psql command

psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@     

Ok, i found that, the shell will print
psql: error: connection to server at "", port 9000 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

but in UI, it shows couldn't connect to the database.

After I changed to correct password, it connected.


but still it shows no data, should I enable some plugins?