dbgjerez / ocp-HTPasswd-file-provider

How to create Openshift users with htpasswd provider

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OCP User configuration

The motivation is to create a project for each user and became itself admin.

⚠️ This repository has been checked in OCP 4.10

⚠️ script.sh supposes that you have created previously the htpasswd secret and the OAuth server.


  • OC cli
  • HTPasswd

Create a OAuth HTPasswd provider if not exists

This point is only if you don't have an OAuth server configured.

The steps are:

  1. Create the secret that will contain the users
  2. Create the OAuth server instance

The folder crd contains the following file to create the provider. It's very important, the htpasswd.fileData.name entry that represents the name of the secret file.

apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: localusers 
    mappingMethod: claim 
    type: HTPasswd
        name: htpass-secret

Create the secret file without users:

oc create secret generic htpasswd \
   --from-file=htpasswd=crd/localusers \
   -n openshift-config

Now, create the OAuth:

oc create -f crd/OAuth.yaml


User lists

A list of users, separating each user in a line and username and password by '#'.

❯ cat users.list 


⚠️ This version works with an existing OAuth called cluster and existing htpasswd secret with htpasswd file content.

❯ oc get OAuth                                                                   
cluster   143m
❯ oc get secret htpasswd -n openshift-config                                         
NAME       TYPE     DATA   AGE
htpasswd   Opaque   1      102m
  1. Login as admin
  2. Reads user list
  3. Retrieves existing htpasswd file
  4. Append new users to htpasswd
  5. Apply the temporal file


./script.sh admin https://api.my-cluster.com:6443 users.list     
Admin user: admin
OCP: https://api.my-cluster.com:6443
--> OCP login
Logged into "https://api.my-cluster.com:6443" as "admin" using existing credentials.

You have access to 65 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'

Using project "default".
--> Retrieving existing users
--> Recuperados 2
--> Users to create: 1
--> Users created: 3
--> Creating OCP secret
secret/htpasswd replaced
--> Deleting temporal data



How to create Openshift users with htpasswd provider


Language:Shell 100.0%