davy7125 / polyphone

A soundfont editor for quickly designing musical instruments.

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Add option to set global attenuation (volume) value when exporting

sound8 opened this issue · comments

Might be nice to have the option to set a global attenuation (volume) value when exporting.
This would allow users the ability to globally increase or decrease the exported volume value for Soundfonts.

Adding an option for this in the Command Line Export would be great, as there is no way to do this from command line currently. (The Command Line Export was an amazing addition to Polyphone so glad to see this was added, Thank You)

This could be a possible solution to volume issues when exporting SFZ or GrandOrgue instruments to Soundfont
#147 & #173
(If there is a standard volume db difference as I mentioned in post 147 then may be better to just add this compensation for SFZ / GrandOrgue to Soundfont converts automatically so users don't have to think about it at all, but having the ability to adjust to desired volume may also be a nice option as well.)

Hopefully there is some kind of solution available, as can't really use Polyphone / Command Line Export tool as a converter at the moment until there is one.

Thank you again for all the great work you do, what an amazing program you have created, and it keeps getting better.

Kind of strange seems to be no activity on this Github page?
Is this the official Github for Polyphone?
I made quite a few posts here and not a single response?
Was hoping this one out of all the posts would be considered to be added, if Polyphone is still being updated.
I have also updated the findings for issue 147 which was what lead to this request in the first place.

Sorry for my late on the GrandOrgue subject, I have been delayed with the new website.
I will not implement a volume modification during export since this is not the role of Polyphone to determine the volume at the output of other synthesizers. Polyphone edits, possibly increases the volume (in the settings) since it can be more comfortable but when the soundfont is exported, it represents what is configured in it.

This being said:

  • I try as much as possible to make a symetric import / export regarding the import / export between file formats. For example, if I need to add a 3dB attenuation for the sfz export, I remove it during the import. If this is not the case please provide an example.
  • the final attenuation is what could be best to set without altering the sound. It takes into account for example the default modulators set in the soundfonts and rules used for panning the sound (a centered stereo sound will be slightly attenuated so that we have a margin for increasing the volume if we want to pan it to the right or to the left).

Regarding sfz (please don't mix subjects in tickets), I reworked the export and the new version will be the new "base" for future bug fixes. This rework might have solved #147

I'm closing the ticket with the right status